
jǐ shuǐ shè bèi
  • Water supply equipment;water supply facilities;waterworks
  1. 本实用新型涉及一种加装止回阀内泄故障反馈装置的成套给水设备。

    The utility model relates to a set of water supply facilities which is provided with a fault feedback device for the internal drainage of a check valve .

  2. DWH变频给水设备在蒸汽锅炉供水中的应用

    Use of DWH Frequency Conversion Water Supply Equipment in Steam Boiler

  3. 双罐定压式气压给水设备在运行过程中要排放大量有一定压力的余气。

    Much pressure gas is released during pressure static equipment operation .

  4. 高层建筑天面增补压消防专用给水设备设计

    High-Rise Buildings Roof Augmented Pressure Fire - Fighting Supply Water Equipment Design

  5. 变量变压给水设备微机控制系统

    The Variable-delivery and Variable-pressure Water Supply Equipment Controlled by Microcomputer

  6. 应用高位气压水罐改善气压给水设备工况

    Improving the performance of pressure water supply equipment by high level pressure tank

  7. 微机自动给水设备控制系统的设计

    Control System Design of Microcomputer Automatic Water Supplying Equipment

  8. 变频调速恒压自动给水设备在热水供暖系统中的应用

    Application of the Automatic Watering Equipment in Heating Systems

  9. 微机变频给水设备在人畜饮水工程中的应用

    The application of computer controlling transduce water works for human-domestic animal drinking project

  10. 变频给水设备的应用和节能效果分析

    Appliance of Frequency Conversion Life Feedwater Equipment and Effect Analysis of Economize on Energy

  11. 顶压式消防气压给水设备分析

    Analysis of water supply equipment pressurized from top

  12. 室内消防给水设备及器材

    The water supply equipments fire fighting indoors

  13. 消防气压给水设备的正确选用与计算

    Calculation of Pneumatic Fire Water System

  14. 本实用新型是用于给水设备的空气过滤灭菌装置。

    The utility model relates to an air filtering and sterilizing apparatus for water supply device .

  15. 传统消防给水设备备用泵启动控制方式存在的问题及改进措施

    The Problems and Improving Measures of the Activation Control Mode of the Standby Pump in the Traditional Fire Water Supply Equipment

  16. 介绍了一种能够代替高位水箱功能的给水设备-消防气体顶压给水设备。

    A kind of water supply equipment that can take the place of elevated water tank-water supply equipment gas pressurized from top , has been introduced .

  17. 海流公司是开发、研制、生产自动化给水设备的专业厂家,是国家消防产品的定点企业。

    Ocean current company develop , develop , specialized factory , production automation of water work , it is a specially-designated factory of the national fire control products .

  18. 介绍了微机变频给水设备的几种结构型式和施工安装方法,并与传统压力罐供水设备进行比较,证明新设备具有应用推广价值。

    This paper introduces several structure forms and construction installation method of computer transduce water works , compares it with the traditional pressure pot water works and proves the new works that has application and development value .

  19. 消防气压给水设备的总容积是由消防系统最高动水压与静水压的比值、系统的水净膨胀容积决定的。

    The total cubage of the pressurized-type water supply unit depends on the ratio of maximum dynamic and static water pressure of the fire protection system as well as the net dilatation cubage of the water in the system .

  20. 本文通过对传统消防给水设备备用泵启动控制方式进行分析,结合消防给水设备应用的实际情况,提出了消防备用泵启动控制的新方式。

    The paper analyses the activation control mode of the standby pump in the traditional fire water supply equipment . In the light of the real status of the application of the fire water supply equipment , it introduces a new mode for the activation control of standby pump .

  21. GB/T16662-1996建筑给水排水设备器材术语

    Terms of equipments and materials for building water supply and drainage

  22. 目前,国内外对智能设计研究深入而广泛,但是对电站给水加热设备的智能设计平台的研究工作开展的很少。

    So far , research on intelligent design at home and abroad is very deep and wide , but little effort has been input to carry out feedwater heaters for power plant intelligent design platform .

  23. 它与当地经济水平、气候、生活习惯和文明程度,居住条件和给水排水设备,供水模式和压力,收费及管理方式等因素有关。

    It is related to the following factors : local economic level , climate , living habit , civilization , housing conditions , equipments of water and sewage , pattern and pressure of supply water , the way of collecting fees and management .

  24. 高层建筑定压式消防给水及气压设备选型

    Constant-pressure Fire System of High Rise Building And Selection of Pneumatic Units

  25. 蒸气锅炉给水系统中设备的不同排列组合形式的节能效果探讨

    Discussion on energy conservation effects in the boiler water-feeding system with different configuration

  26. 确定了不同给水方式给水设备的基于威布尔分布的故障函数和年故障率。

    It is established the fault function and the annual failure rate of water supply equipment of different ways .

  27. 应用:用于输送电站锅炉给水和工业设备中的锅炉给水和凝结水。

    Applications : Handling of feed water in power stations , boiler feed water and condensate in industrial facilities .

  28. 将反渗透给水预处理设备运行方式,以及反渗透给水压力、给水温度等运行参数进行了技术优化。

    Technological optimized the operation way of the reverse osmosis supply water pretreatment equipment and the operation parameters of pressure , temperature etc.

  29. 给水净化站设备:进水泵、扭转滤网、刮泥机、加药泵、加氯装置等。

    Equipment of water supply and purification station : intake pump , rotary filtering net , mud scraper , chemical feeding pump and chlorine feeding device , etc.

  30. 核电站给水泵及相关设备的改进

    Improving on Warter Supply Pump and Related Equipment in Nuclear Power Station