
jǐ yóu
  • Oil supply;oil feed
给油[jǐ yóu]
  1. 在油气开发中,伴生气中多含有一定量的H2S与CO2,对油管、套管的腐蚀给油气开发造成了巨大损失,极大地制约了CO2和H2S共存条件下的油气开发。

    There often exists H2S and CO2 in associated gas , during oil / gas exploitation it will result in great damage and limit the oil and gas development due to the corrosion occurred on tubing and casing .

  2. 在南海某气区,CO2与烃类气体相伴相存,分布复杂,不仅给油气层的发现、评价带来干扰,也给开发造成不利的影响。

    In a gas field in South China Sea , CO_2 is coexisted with the hydrocarbon gases and complex in its distribution , which not only brings the disturbance to the discovery and evaluation of oil and gas reservoirs , but also causes the disadvantageous influence on the development .

  3. 螺杆压缩机采用压差给油,更加安全可靠。

    Direct-drive , semi-hermetic screw compressor for high reliability .

  4. 在压铸过程中,自动且规律的给油,减少润滑油之消耗。

    Automatic regulated lubrication during die casting process , to reduce lubricant consumption .

  5. 苎麻脱胶给油连续化

    The Continuous Degumming and Oiling of Ramie

  6. 黄油给油器的研制与应用

    To Research and Manufacture Consistent Grease Feeder

  7. 苎麻给油工艺研究

    Study on the Ramie 's Oil Finish

  8. 采全自动定时、定量自动给油润滑系统。

    It is functioned with automatic timing operation with the constant volume of lubricating system availably .

  9. 摘要实施“走出去”战略给油气工程项目管理带来了新挑战。

    Implementing the strategy of " walking " has brought the new challenge to oil gas project management .

  10. 石油地质的定量研究给油气勘探和开发开辟了一条新的认识途径。

    The quantitative research of petroleum geology provides a new way for the exploitation of petroleum and gas .

  11. 男式或男童滑雪茄克衫,纺织材料制,非针织或钩编手动强制给油润滑器

    Men 's or boys ' ski jacket , of textile materials not knitted or crocheted hand-operated force-feed lubricator

  12. 栗园背斜特殊的石油地质特点,给油气显示层解释评价带来一定困难。

    Because of special characteristics of petroleum geology in Liyuan anticline , hydrocarbon shows interpretation and evaluation becomes very difficult .

  13. 煤矿采空影响区的地表移动变形破坏给油气管道建设带来了特殊的困难。

    The surface movement and destruction above gob affecting zone brings special difficulties to the construction of oil and gas pipeline .

  14. 油气田开发过程中的腐蚀会给油气田造成灾难性事故,而油气田集输和长输管线的腐蚀除造成重大经济损失外,还会造成环境污染和环境修复困难。

    The corrosion in the development of oil and gas fields and transportation will either bring disastrous accident or cause environmental pollution .

  15. 该油剂克服了传统油剂所存在的问题,生产成本低,稳定性好,可在较低温度下实现给油,具有良好的推广应用前景。

    Cost and bettered the stability . The oiling agent could be added at low temps . and had a good application future .

  16. 你看看,为了生活,我天天不得不累死累活,你可怜的父亲身子弱,那颗心脏就像一个油盘子,给油裹得紧紧的。

    See how I 've got to teave and slave , and your poor weak father with his heart clogged like a dripping-pan .

  17. 本文简要地分析了工(艹宁)麻化学脱胶给油连续化的可能性;提出了改革的途径;

    The possibility is briefly analysed for the continuous chemical degumming and oiling of ramie , the reconstruction measures about existing techniques are suggested .

  18. 并通过实验说明,给油工序的连续化不仅改善了精干麻的质量,而且使企业在经济方面获得显著的效益。

    It is proved through practical production that the continuous degummimg and oiling of ramie can improve the quality of the degummed ramie , and economic benefit is evidently obtained .

  19. 在油气生产的各个环节,随着温度、压力和轻质组分逸出等热力学条件的变化所产生的有机固相沉积问题,给油气田生产造成了严重的危害;

    The organic solid precipitation happening in the recovering process along with the changes of thermodynamic conditions , such as temperature , pressure and composition , influences the oil and gas production severely .

  20. 埋地钢质管道是石油与天然气的主要传输载体,但是管道的腐蚀给油气田和国家造成了严重的经济损失。

    The buried steel pipeline is the main transmission carrier of oil and natural gas , but the corrosion of pipelines has created the serious economic loss for the oil-gas field and the country .

  21. 本文扼要介绍了现有开卷机旋转给油接头的密封方式及存在的问题,提出了改善密封效果的几点措施,并对新型旋转给油接头进行了必要的分析和计算。

    In this article is briefly introduced the seal form of rotary oil - feeding joint for uncoiler and it 's drawbacks , proposed some measures for im - proving its sealing effects , and is carried out the necessary analysis and calculation .

  22. 介绍了27.8tex×2羊绒针织纱的生产工艺,并在原料搭配、和毛方法、给油比例及工艺参数确定等方面进行了研究分析,总结了一套有效的生产工艺。

    This paper introduces the processing technology of 27.8 tex × 2 woollen cashmere knitting yarn , and the selection of material , wool mixed methed and oiling ratio and technological parameters are also discussed and analyzed to have worked out an effective production technology .

  23. 自动化技术在20世纪70年代早期给橄榄油产业带来了一场革命。

    Automation revolutionized the olive industry in the early 1970s .

  24. 请给我油煎鱼加炸土豆片试试。

    Let me try fish and chip , please .

  25. 他给她油,治好了她的粗嗓门儿。

    He gave her the oil , and with this her harsh voice was cured .

  26. 当无法将上升的原油成本转嫁给成品油消费者时,炼油企业就会亏损。

    Unable to pass on the higher crude cost to customers on forecourts , refiners suffer losses .

  27. 页岩气的发展已经给美国油气行业带来了革命性变革,如今,乌克兰希望能够重现这一繁荣。

    Ukraine is hoping to replicate the shale gas boom that has revolutionised the US oil and gas industry .

  28. 其基本的电性特征是油层电阻率值低或与邻近水层相比电阻率差别小,给测井油、水层的识别与评价带来了极大的困难。

    Its basic electrical property is that oil layer resistivity is low or resistivity discriminates small with contrasting conterminous water layer .

  29. 石油供求矛盾日益突出,给中国油气勘探提出了更高更紧迫的要求。

    Growing petroleum supply and demand contradiction in China sets still higher and more pressing requirements on petroleum exploration in China .

  30. 由于热解油中物质的复杂性及共沸现象的存在,给热解油的分离提纯带来了很大的困难。

    Because the complexity and mutual boiling existence of pyrolysis oil , It bring out much difficult to separate and purify pyrolysis oil .