
  • 网络corporatism;corporatist
  1. 是所谓地方国家统合主义,即国家的干预对乡镇企业的发展是必要与有效的呢?

    Is the point that state intervention necessary and useful , a la local state corporatism ?

  2. 新兴工业化中的混合型统合主义&考察新加坡工会运动与劳资政三方代表协商机制

    Mixed Corporatism amidst Vibrant Industrialization & Examining Tripartite Reconciliation Mechanisms between Singapore 's Labor , Capital and Government

  3. 它以思乡恋土的乡土情结为情感心理纽带,以祖国的生存发展为根本,以自强不息、贵和执中、群体至上为精神,是一种文化统合的爱国主义。

    It is a kind of culture-integrating patriotism that takes the native land complex as psychological bridge , puts the motherland 's development in the first place , and takes self-improvement , peaceability and moderation , and collectivity first as spiritual essence .