
  • 网络West Lothian
  1. 在那天之后,他们在西洛锡安区的天空中不断制造闪烁的光盘,奇怪的亮光和跳跃的火球。

    Since that November day they have filled the skies of West Lothian with glimmering discs , strange lights and bouncing balls of fire .

  2. 尽管专辑销售的版税收入源源不断,但苏珊并不打算搬离现在的住所,现在她和宠物猫佩柏丝居住在西洛锡安郡布莱克本市的一处政府统建房。

    Although the royalty cheques arerolling in , Boyle has no plans to move out of the council house in Blackburn , West Lothian , where she lives alone with her cat , Pebbles .

  3. 五周大的托木斯克在他的兄弟姐妹被父母意外杀害后,被西洛锡安苏格兰猫头鹰中心训练员解救。

    Five-week-old Tomsk was saved by trainers at the Scottish Owl Centre in West Lothian after his sibling was accidentally killed by their parents .