
  • 网络phoenix;Eyeshot Of Phoenix;PhK
  1. 《凤凰大视野》是历史题材纪录片中的杰出范本。

    Panoramic Eyeshot of Phoenix is undoubtedly the outstanding historical themes documentary template .

  2. 《凤凰大视野》是凤凰卫视在2003年年底推出的新闻专题栏目,它比较集中地体现了凤凰卫视的节目特色和先进的新闻理念。

    Eyeshot of Phoenix is a news special program , introduced by Phoenix TV in the end of2003.This program incarnates concentrated the program feature and advanced news idea of Phoenix TV .

  3. 《凤凰大视野》在历史的影像叙述和传播方面的成功经验值得两岸三地的纪录片和电视同业者借鉴。

    The successful experience of Phoenix Horizon in the images description and communication of history supplies good reference for the documentary and television industry at three places .

  4. 本文希望通过对《凤凰大视野》的总制片人刘春的访谈,对栏目进行深入地剖析,进而能够折射出凤凰卫视在新闻节目上一些的成功经验。

    Through interviewed with Liu Chun , the general producer of Eyeshot of Phoenix , I want to analysis this program in deathly and reflect the successful experience of news program in Phoenix TV .