
  1. 今日我们特别呈现儿童插图合集。

    Today we are featuring a collection of children illustrations .

  2. 谁说只有梅花在冬日盛开,卡地亚别具匠心的珠宝师傅为您特别呈现在白雪皑皑的圣诞依然幽雅绽放兰花珠宝,散发迷人的芬芳。

    Who says only the plum blossom in winter , Cartier jewelry uniquely special master for your Christmas presents are still in the snow-capped elegant orchid blossom jewelry , enchanting fragrance .

  3. 当市场集中度较高,特别是呈现寡头竞争态势时,根据改进差异化产品模型得到的评价企业横向兼并的福利标准则更为严格。

    While in the market with high concentration even oligopoly , the welfare standard concluded by the improved different product model is more rigid .

  4. 新课程标准从理念到内容、形式都发生了深刻的变化,特别是呈现出了通过实验学化学这一发展趋势。

    The new curriculum standards from idea to the content to the form have occurred profound changes , especially have showed the tendency of " study chemistry through the experiment " .

  5. 典型相关分析也能够较好的反映浮游植物物种与环境因子的关系,特别是可以呈现出群落优势种与环境因子的关系。

    It also displayed good relationship between phytoplankton species and environmental variables especially reflected the relation between distribution of dominant species and environmental factors .

  6. 特别是模型呈现出的多样性,对传统理论的假设条件,可以作为输入参数或规则,加入模型,从而得到对已有理论直接客观的验证或理论创新。

    Especially the diversity of the output of the computational model shows that the traditional theory can be verified directly or even new theory can be found by inputting the assumptions and rules of traditional theory as parameters and running the model and exploring the model output .

  7. Portlet特别需要做好在呈现阶段重新创建信息的准备(例如,通过访问后端)。

    The portlet needs to be especially prepared to recreate information during the render phase ( for example , by accessing a backend ) .

  8. 类型信息对于XForms呈现程序(renderer)特别重要,XForms呈现程序基于相应实例元素的数据类型或属性呈现不同类型的控件。

    Type information is particularly important to XForms renderers , which render different types of controls based on the data type of the corresponding instance element or attribute .

  9. 城市空间,特别是街道空间呈现出一种混乱、盲目、无序、单调、平庸的形态特征。

    The city space , especially the street space present one kind of chaos , blind , disorder , drab , mediocre morphological characteristics .

  10. 发现资源禀赋地区,特别是山西省呈现产业结构单一,第二产业尤其是重工业一枝独秀的局面,产业结构失衡比较严重。

    It finds that the industrial structure is single in rich natural resources regions ; the secondary industry especially the heavy industry is very large in Shanxi Province .

  11. 在显性课程与隐性课程的关系上,笔者特别指出,两者呈现出兼容并包而非互为对立的关系。

    It is pointed out that , instead of being opposite to each other , formal curriculum and hidden curriculum are mutually-inclusive and the distinction between the two is made to highlight the importance of hidden curriculum .

  12. 而当你无法满足自己的需求时,也就意味你就不能够(在心理上、生理上、思想上、精神上)好好照顾自己了。这样的话,你便无法在你生命中那些特别的人面前呈现最好的自己。

    And when you are not meeting your needs , and you don 't take care of yourself ( emotionally , physically , mentally , spiritually ) , you can 't be the best version of yourself to the special people in your life .