
  • 网络special care;TREATMENTS
  1. 当牙炎的症状出现时,说明牙可能需要特殊护理。

    Your gums may need special care when symptoms of gingivitis appear .

  2. 试图通过特殊护理或治疗而治愈疾病或伤害。

    Try to cure by special care of treatment , of an illness or injury .

  3. 其中实验组以介入法联合多种中药多途径治疗ANP,并采取相应的特殊护理方法。对照组单独使用介入法治疗ANP,采用常规介入护理方法。

    Using traditional Chinese medicinal therapy and interventional therapy in experimental group , using interventional therapy in control group .

  4. 观察组采用50%葡萄糖20ml、25%硫酸镁10ml和维生素B12500ug配制成混合液外敷于输入诺维苯药物的皮肤上,对照组无特殊护理。

    The self-made mixture composing of 20 ml of glucose ( 50 % ), 10 ml of magnesium sulfate ( 25 % ) and 500 ug of Vitamin B12 were externally applied to the skin when drugs were infused in the experiment group .

  5. 难治性阻塞性黄疸行双介入治疗患者的特殊护理

    Special Nursing Care of Interventional Therapy for Patient with Malignant Obstructive Jaundice

  6. 妇科老年患者围手术期的特殊护理问题及对策

    Special nursing problems of peri-operative aged patients of gynecology department and countermeasures

  7. 新生儿硬膜外麻醉特殊护理配合

    Special nursing coordination of newborns underwent epidural anesthesia

  8. 其中有两个孩子需要特殊护理。

    Two of my kids are special needs .

  9. 目的探讨尿毒症相关性肺水肿的特殊护理措施。

    Objective To explore special nursing measures for patients with pulmonary edema related to uremia .

  10. 三无病员特殊护理

    The Special Nursing of Salved Patients

  11. 目的了解妇科老年手术患者在医治过程中的特殊护理问题,提供相应的护理措施。

    Objective To understand special nursing problems of peri-operative aged patients of gynecology department and supply pertinent nursing countermeasures .

  12. 方法采取专科特殊护理和准备,加强护患信息交流;

    Methods Adopt the specialty special nursing and mental state intervention , strengthen to protect to suffer from information exchanges .

  13. 目的了解高龄肺部感染患者的病情特点,为临床特殊护理提供依据。

    Objective To investigate the characteristics of aged patients with lung infection so as to provide basis for clinical , special nursing .

  14. 本文就口咽手术的特殊护理进行了探讨,以期进一步探索寰枕畸形病人的围手术期护理特点,促进患者身心早日康复。

    In order to make out the specific nursing of the transoral approch , and make the patients to be recovered quickly , nursing was discussed in detail .

  15. 他们补充说,随着这些患者年纪的增长,为了对他们进行良好的健康护理,精确的研究数据是必要的,因为很多人可能需要特殊护理。

    Accurate figures are necessary , they add , to plan for health care services for these individuals as they get older , because many may need specialized care .

  16. 方法:320例头面部烧伤病人采用心理护理、基础护理、创面护理、五官特殊护理。

    Method : 320 patients with craniofacial burn were treated in our hospital and received good nursing including psychological nursing , fundamental nursing , wound nursing and specials nursing of the five sense organs .

  17. 现在,人们对医学的要求不仅仅是提供医疗服务,还要提供与高质量生活相适应的服务,如心理咨询和治疗、劳动保护、营养咨询和特殊护理等,以增进健康。

    Nowadays , people not only require medical service , but also demand relative services adapting to high quality life , for example : psychological counseling and therapy , labor protection , nutrition counseling and special care and so on .

  18. 重点强调近期再次手术病人的术前心理护理,积极做好用物及病人准备,术后气囊导管护理、重症监护、营养支持、使用生长抑素阶段的特殊护理、饮食护理等。

    They mainly emphasized preoperative mental care of patients undergoing operation again , making good equipment and patient preparation , postoperative catheter nursing , intensifying care , nutritive support , special nursing of using somatostatin , diet nursing and so on .

  19. 进入到乡村后,他们没有办法养活自己和怀了8个月身孕的妻子,而过去生孩子是需要特殊护理的;父亲知道他可能很快会失去她和孩子。

    Into the country , they have no way to feed themselves and the wife , 8 months pregnant , had needed special care for delivery in the past and the father knows he is likely to lose her and the baby soon .

  20. 方法采用指体的摆放,病房适宜温度20~25℃,烤灯局部保温,术后观察血运指标,小儿特殊护理及康复指导。

    Methods To keep the temperature 20 ℃ to 25 ℃ of the sickroom to place the finger body , use roast light to keep it warm , observe the blood circulation index after the operation , the child 's special nursing and recovering guide .

  21. 这张脸由于其正常而引人注目:在纽约,50岁以上的女强人常常通过外科手术来保持青春;而在拉丁美洲,女政治家们往往看起来倍加迷人&因为她们经过了周到的特殊护理。

    It is a face notable mainly for its normality : in New York powerful women over the age of 50 often use surgery to make the years disappear ; in Latin America , female politicians have tended to be doubly glamorous – courtesy of discreet treatments .

  22. 保养好你的皮肤就可以使你轻松实现愿望。作为我们身体最大的器官,皮肤需要一些特殊的护理。

    Taking care of your skin is one way to achieve what you hope for . As the body 's largest organ , it needs special treatment .

  23. 目的:研究先天性唇腭裂患儿手术前后的特殊喂养护理。

    Objective : Research about special feeding and nursing method for infant with cleft lip and palate perioperatively .

  24. 目的:探讨产程中实施特殊体位护理矫正胎方位的临床效果。

    Objective : To investigate the clinical effect of correction of occipito-posterior ( op ) presentation by special posture nursing .

  25. 因为老年病人体温调节已改变,为保持正常体温应给以特殊的护理。

    As temperature regulation is altered in elderly patients , extra care must be taken to maintain their body temperature .

  26. 必须采取特殊的护理措施如正确的无菌穿刺和包扎技术来维护导管和经皮插入部位。

    Particular care must be taken to maintain the catheter and the percutaneous entry site with appropriate sterile access and dressing techniques .

  27. 方法通过创伤生理参数评分、特殊治疗护理评分和基础护理评分3项进行创伤严重度护理综合评分,根据分值合理分配护士。

    Methods The severity of the trauma were comprehensively scored in nursing by the trauma physiological parameter score , the special therapy nursing score and the basic nursing score . the nurses were reasonably allocated by scoring value .

  28. 有效的沟通是一个特殊的中风护理的不可分割的一部分。

    Effective communication is an integral part of exceptional stroke care .

  29. 环抱圈钢板治疗特殊骨折的护理

    The nursing about treatment of special fractures with Circular plate

  30. 美容外科病人的特殊需求及护理策略

    Special Requirements and Nursing Strategies for Patients at Cosmetology Unit