
  • 网络Special Ticket
  1. 大多数国内主要航空公司都会在旅行淡季时推出特价机票。

    Most major domestic airlines offer discount tickets for off-peak travel .

  2. 中国北京到亚丁机票价格,特价机票,航班时间查询。

    Beijing , China to Aden ticket price ticket fare , and flight query .

  3. 使出国旅行的朋友,购买到经济实惠的圣菲波哥大特价机票。

    To make friends to travel abroad , to buy affordable tickets special Santa Fe de Bogota .

  4. 涉及的业务有,特惠酒店预定,特价机票,自助旅游,特惠公寓,大学生旅馆,代订车票等。

    Involved in the business , ex-gratia Hotel reservations , book tickets and travel self-gratia apartment , a university student Hotel subsidy tickets .

  5. 专业的行业服务,真诚的为广大旅客朋友提供北京到比勒费尔德特价机票。

    The professional services industry , in good faith for the vast number of visitors Beijing friends to provide special fares to Bielefeld .

  6. 通常你都能买到周末特价机票,到环境放松或者景色宜人的地方去度周末。

    A weekend break or a stopover in a more relaxing or a lively place is often available at a special cheap weekend rate .

  7. 提供机票(国际机票、国内机票、特价机票),火车票预订,住宿酒店预订等服务。当时我接受了。但是我请求若有更便宜的房间,请贵酒店预订员为我重新安排。

    Offer airplane ticket ( including domestic and international ticket , and bargain price ticket ) and train ticket reservation , and hotel accommodation reservation . I accepted but asked to make rearrangement for me if there was any cheaper room .

  8. 促销期间,伊斯坦布尔&利沃夫的特价往返机票价格低至99欧元起。

    Promotional period , Istanbul-Lvov the special round-trip price as low as99 euros effect .

  9. 有一张特价的周末旅行机票。

    There 's a special weekend getaway fare .

  10. 合肥至南昌航线在5月内都执行开航初期特价政策,100元的特价机票将持续到月底,但从下月开始就会上调。

    For the new route from Hefei-Nanchang , the price is set at100 yuan in the entire May , a special treat to passengers , but from Jun , the price will be adjusted upward .