
  • 网络guests;Special Guest;Invited Guests
  1. 女士们,先生们,让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎今晚的特邀嘉宾。

    Ladies and gentlemen , let 's give a big hand to our special guests tonight .

  2. 在接待会上欢迎客人的一列人(主人和特邀嘉宾)。

    A line of people ( hosts and guests of honor ) who welcome the guests at a reception party .

  3. 她访问英国时做过几个访谈节目的特邀嘉宾。

    She guested on several chat shows while visiting Britain .

  4. 我的特邀嘉宾将是喜剧演员本·艾尔顿。

    My special guest will be comedian Ben Elton .

  5. 我作为特邀嘉宾参加展览。

    I was invited as a special guest to attend the exhibition .

  6. 充满传奇色彩的滚石乐队周一晚上在芝加哥联合中心举办了演唱会,乡村音乐巨星泰勒斯威夫特作为特邀嘉宾,和乐队主唱贾格尔一起动人地合唱了1965年的永恒经典《AsTearsGoBy》。

    The country superstar was the surprise guest of the legendary rockers ' concert at Chicago 's United Center Monday night , joining Mick Jagger for a touching duet of the Stones ' timeless 1965 classic As Tears Go By .

  7. 一批实力强大的华尔街银行家、私人股本行业高管和对冲基金经理今晚为希拉里•克林顿(HillaryClinton)组织了一场筹款活动,沃伦•巴菲特(WarrenBuffett)将作为特邀嘉宾出席。

    A powerful collection of Wall Street bankers , private equity executives and hedge fund managers has organised a lucrative fundraising event for Hillary Clinton tonight , with Warren Buffett as the featured entertainment .

  8. 去年10月,阿弗莱克在PBS系列纪录片《寻根》(FindingYourRoots)中担任特邀嘉宾。盖茨在这部纪录片中与名人一道探寻自己的过去,如斯汀(Sting)、史蒂芬·金(StephenKing)、安吉拉·贝塞特(AngelaBassett)。

    Affleck was a guest last October on the PBS documentary series " Finding Your Roots , " in which Gates takes luminaries - Sting , Stephen King , Angela Bassett - on journeys into their pasts .

  9. 我们节目的特邀嘉宾是岁伯特德尼岁。

    Our special guest on the programme is Robert De niro .

  10. 女士们,先生们,请大家欢迎今晚的特邀嘉宾。

    Ladies and gentlemen , please welcome tonight 's special guest .

  11. 不幸地是,我不是特邀嘉宾。

    Unfortunately , I wasn 't the guest of honor .

  12. 做特邀嘉宾,或者做其他事情。

    As , like , a guest speaker or something .

  13. 有一小群仰慕者围着那位特邀嘉宾。

    There was a little cluster of admirers round the guest speaker .

  14. 我没看到那位特邀嘉宾你呢

    I don 't see the guest of honor . Do you ?

  15. 或许,我是受到了自己作为特邀嘉宾出席的一个活动的影响。

    I was influenced perhaps by the event at which I was a guest .

  16. 而且有人将做为我的特邀嘉宾和我一起去参加派对。

    And someone gets to come with me to the party as my guest .

  17. 讲授法国葡萄酒知识的特邀嘉宾。

    A guest lecturer on French wines .

  18. 企业代表作为特邀嘉宾出席赛事系列公关活动。

    Corporate representatives can attend a series of major PR events as special invited guest .

  19. 大赛特邀嘉宾&三岁的赵昱音还现场表演了英语朗读。

    The youngest participant not the contestant three-year old Zhao Yuying gave a reading performance as well .

  20. 使主持人非常尴尬的是尽管再三邀请,所谓的特邀嘉宾也没有出现。

    What made the hostess very embarrassed was that the so-called special guest did not show himself up after her invitation .

  21. 北京电影学院以及中央美术学院的放映活动只向学生以及特邀嘉宾开放。

    Please note-screenings at the Beijing Film Academy and the Chinese Academy of Fine Arts are for students and by invitation only .

  22. 我们网站也会透露每天的特邀嘉宾但我现在就可以给你答案

    We will also tell you who is on the show each day , But I will do that for you right now

  23. 那么本周五来参加我们的会议吧!我们的特邀嘉宾及专业培训师王爱玲将会为你揭晓答案。

    Please come and join us this Friday night , our special guest and professional trainer Ailing Wang will tell you all about that .

  24. 我们后来还谈到了滚石,接下来我就作为特邀嘉宾担当西伯利亚小姐比赛的评委。

    Next thing the Rolling Stones are being mentioned and Im whisked off to judge the Miss Siberia beauty contest as a VIP guest .

  25. 尊敬的反腐败工作组的同事们和特邀嘉宾们:美国始终致力于加强我们与中国在反腐败与打击犯罪方面进行的卓有成效的合作。

    Distinguished ACWG Colleagues and Invited Guests : The United States remains committed to enhancing our fruitful partnership with China on fighting corruption and crime .

  26. 最近两年,这种浆果再度卷土重来,在全国各举办的各种品尝宴会上,它都是特邀嘉宾。

    In the last two years the berries have been making a comeback , by being the guest star of many tasting parties in the states .

  27. 大熊猫琪琪和志志是今年北京园博会的特邀嘉宾,她们吸引了大批的游客。

    As the " guests of honor " at this year 's Beijing Garden Expo , the panda duo Qiqi and Zhizhi have attracted quite a crowd .

  28. 总部位于北京的大连万达集团也派来了数十名中国高层人员,其中一些被介绍为“特邀嘉宾”。

    So did dozens of Chinese executives from the Beijing-based Dalian Wanda Group , some of whom were introduced as " special dignitaries . " Studio executives ? Check .

  29. 在为期一周的时间里,我们在作为特邀嘉宾的多位企业高管的帮助下,探讨了企业怎样才能改变这些令人不满之处。

    Over the course of a week , and with the help of a series of guest executives , we explored how corporations are beginning to respond to these frustrations .

  30. 作为2011亚洲青年动漫大赛的特邀嘉宾,英国著名音乐动画制作人托马斯·希克斯向记者谈及了他对中国动漫的一些看法。

    Asian Youth Animation Competition as an invited guest , the famous British music animation producer Thomas Hicks told reporters he talked about some of the views of Chinese animation .