
dān xún huán
  • single cycle;single loop;one-way circulation;single elimination
  1. 本文分析了现有的方法存在的问题,提出了一种基于可靠性的MDO的单循环计算方法,使传统的MDO与可靠性分析分级进行,而且很快地满足可靠性要求。

    In this paper , we present a discussible framework of reliability-based optimization for multidisciplinary , which is single loop , according to problems of existing methods . It can decouple MDO and reliability analysis and satisfy reliability requirement rapidly .

  2. 而高效回热器的使用,使得在透平进气温度在875°C的条件下,甚至能达到单循环效率30%左右。

    The use of highly efficient recuperator makes its single cycle efficiency as high as 30 % even though the turbine inlet temperature is only 875 ° C .

  3. 探讨了n支球队在同一块场地上进行单循环赛时赛程安排的公平性问题。

    The fair game schedule for single round robin with n teams on the same playground is discussed .

  4. 提出了使用HC排放作为判断单循环冷起动着火的判断方法。

    The study indicated HC emissions can be the judgment of firing in single cycle cold start .

  5. 与平齐掌子面掘进施工相比,采用V形掌子面,大大提高了炮孔利用率,增加了单循环进尺,降低了开挖成本。

    Compared with the plane working face , the horizontal V shape working face has greatly increased the utilization factor of boreholes and the advance per round and reduced the excavation cost .

  6. 针对HTGR钍、铀燃料元件高燃耗、~(232)U含量高的特点提出了酸式进料的单循环溶剂萃取流程,并进行了串级实验。

    For reprocessing high burn-up fuel from HTGR , a single cycle process by solvent extraction with acid feed solution is suggested .

  7. 基于循环控制策略,利用单循环和多循环燃烧分析方法研究了LPG发动机的冷起动特性。

    This paper presents an investigation of cold start by the method of single-cycle and multi-cycle combustion analysis in a LPG EFI engine based on cycle-by-cycle control strategy .

  8. 单循环起动喷射脉宽起动与多循环起动脉宽起动相比,具有HC排放低和起动可靠性好的优点。

    When the single starting injection pulse width is applied during cold start , the HC emission is lower than that of multi-cycle starting injection pulse width , and the starting reliability is also better .

  9. 仿真结果证实了新方法的有效性,同时也证实该方法确实具有较单循环频率SC-SSF方法和传统宽带聚焦方法更好的估计性能。

    Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of the new approach over the single-cycle SC-SSF algorithm and the conventional focusing transform algorithm for wide-band singals .

  10. 分析了高温气冷堆(HTGR)燃料元件的特性,研究设计了一个应用30%TBP进行钍铀分离净化的单循环溶剂萃取工艺流程。

    The unique properties of spent fuel from HTGR ( high temperature gas cooled reactor ) have been analysed . The single solvent extraction process using 30 % TBP for separation and purification of Th-U fuel has been studied .

  11. 在Φ800mm×12000mm流化床装置上,用多点压力测量仪对固体颗粒单循环回路各部分的压力分布进行了实验研究。

    The pressure balance of a single-loop solid circulation system was experimentally studied in a gas-solid fluidized-bed test facility with the diameter of 800 mm and the height of 12 ? 000 mm by multi-point pressure detector .

  12. 本文依据所收集到的国内外在恒定轴向压力作用下钢筋混凝土柱以不同方式循环加载到破坏的试验结果,对Park-Ang准则和基于单循环损伤指标增量累积的破坏准则进行了试验验证。

    On the basis of test results of RC columns with constant axial load ratio under cyclic loading of various modes till failure collected in this thesis , Park-Ang criterion and the failure criterion based on the damage increment cumulation of single cycle have been calibrated .

  13. 单循环赛赛程安排几个参数的极值

    The Extreme Values of Some Parameters About the Single Circle Match

  14. 基于数据驱动的单循环排序算法及其优化

    Improvement of a Single Cycle Sorting Algorithm Based on Data Driven

  15. 带喷管脉冲爆震发动机单循环性能分析模型

    A Single-Cycle Performance Model of the Pulse Detonation Engine with Nozzle

  16. 单循环赛赛程安排公平性问题的数学模型

    A Mathematical Model of Arranging the Game Schedule for Single Round Robin

  17. 双控单循环湿式石灰-石膏抛弃法烟气脱硫技术研究

    Research on the Wet Lime-Gypsum FGD of Double-control and Single-cycle

  18. 燃机单循环电厂循环水冷却方式的选择

    Selection of Circulating Water Cooling Mode for Power Plants with Single Cycle GasTurbines

  19. 对单循环赛制编排的探讨

    A Discussion on the Single Circle Match Arrangement System

  20. 单循环赛赛程安排的一个图论方法

    A Way of Graph Theory of the Competitive Procedure Arrangement for Single Cyclic Match

  21. 一种面向实时系统的单循环队列算法的应用

    Application of single-cycling queue algorithm for real-time systems

  22. 单循环比赛赛程编排的一个模型

    A Model of the Arrangement of the Games of Several Teams in Single Robin

  23. 该病属于单循环病害。

    It was a single - cycle disease .

  24. 单循环赛程编排的数学模型

    Mathematical model of monocyclic match schedule

  25. 一种新型单循环排序算法

    A New Single Cycle Sorting Algorithm

  26. 在对单循环螺杆膨胀机余热回收系统的计算中,得到了单循环系统螺杆膨胀机入口状态的限制条件。

    During the computation of the single screw expander , we obtain the limiting condition of entrance .

  27. 单循环赛制有可能使其中某队陷于严重不公平的境地。

    One circle system of ball games could possibly make one team into the most unfavorable situation .

  28. 因为本次比赛只有六个队,采用单循环制。

    Since there are six matches is played , so the single round robin system will is adopted .

  29. 在回顾现有单循环优化方法的基础上,叙述了一种处理多循环优化问题的方法。

    The existed single cycle optimization methods are reviewed , and a multicycle fuel management optimization method is presented .

  30. 如果有六个队或不到六个队参加,采用单循环制。

    If there are six or fewer teams , the single round-robin ( one-round league ) system will be adopted .