
nǚ cè suǒ
  • lady;ladies room;Women;women's lavatory;women‘s lavatory(or toilet)
女厕所 [nǚ cè suǒ]
  • (1) [womens lavatory(or toilet)]∶专供女性大小便的地方

  • (2) [Ladies;Women]∶用于公共厕所女方一侧的门上标识

女厕所[nǚ cè suǒ]
  1. 请问哪里有女厕所?

    Could you tell me where the ladies ' toilet is , please ?

  2. 一到坦普尔站,夏洛特立即冲进了女厕所。

    At Temple station , Charlotte rushed into the Ladies .

  3. 附近有女厕所吗?

    Is there a Ladies near here ?

  4. 据《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes)报道,8月31日,位于密苏里州圣路易斯市的希尔斯伯勒高中(HillsboroHighSchool)的近200名高中生走出校门,抵制跨性别青少年莱拉·佩里(LilaPerry)使用女厕所和女更衣室。

    On August 31 , almost 200 high school students walked out of class in Hillsboro High School outside of St. Louis , Missouri to protest the use of the girls ' restrooms and locker room by Lila Perry , a transgender teen , according to the New York Times .

  5. 门上的标志既有普通的女厕所特征又有常用的男厕所特征,并且用泰语写着“异装癖者”(bandoh)。

    The sign on the door combines both the male and female icons found on ordinary toilet doors and the Thai word " bandoh ", meaning transvestite .

  6. 当时我刚好住在斯普林菲尔德(Springfield,和波士顿一个州),最精彩的部分是—如果你到女厕所,关上门我记得看到门上写着加油,红袜队,我当时想,不是吧?

    I happened to be living in Springfield at the time , and the best part of it was-is that you would close the women 's door in the bathroom , and I remember seeing Go Sox , and I thought , really ?

  7. 温斯顿&邱吉尔是在一场舞会进行间在女厕所出生的。

    Winston Churchill was born in a ladies'room during a dance .

  8. 女厕所在楼下一层。

    The " ladies " is downstairs on the ground floor .

  9. 您知道离这儿最近的公共女厕所在哪里吗?

    Do you happen to know where the nearest lady room be ?

  10. 女厕所的灯泡爆了。

    The light bulb in the ladies John blew out .

  11. 请问女厕所在哪里?

    Excuse me , where is the powder room ?

  12. 我很抱歉,我以为这儿是女厕所。

    I thought this was the women 's washroom .

  13. 公共(或半公共)建筑物里边的女厕所。

    A woman 's lavatory in a public ( or semi-public ) building .

  14. 玛莎·斯图尔特在女厕所要了你们的名片

    Martha Stewart asked you for your card in the ladies ' room .

  15. 可那是女厕所呀

    But that is the ladies ' room .

  16. 那边的女厕所很恶心。

    Woman the toiiet over there is disgusting .

  17. 他不经意地进入女厕所。

    He unwittingly entered the ladies ' toilet .

  18. 女厕所就在这里。

    The ladies room is right down here .

  19. 而女厕所休息区则恰恰相反,是非常阳刚的装修设计。

    The powder room rest area , by contrast , is a very masculine decoration .

  20. 这里有25分,在女厕所里有个棉条贩卖机。

    Here 's a quarter , there 's a tampon machine in the ladies ' room .

  21. 女厕所在那里?

    Where is the ladies'toilet ?

  22. 我本来可能进入女厕所的,但是我是男的。万一没什么意外,人们只是在开玩笑呢。

    I could have entered , but I am a man , what if there was nothing and someone was just joking .

  23. 没有,没看见,珀西说,脸上的笑容隐去了,我希望罗恩没有再钻女厕所……

    No , I haven 't , said Percy , his smile fading . I hope Ron 's not in another girls ' toilet ....

  24. 如果你到女厕所,关上门,我记得看到门上写着“加油,红袜队”,我当时想,不是吧?

    you would close the women 's door in the bathroom , and I remember seeing " Go Sox , " and I thought , really ?

  25. 无意间听见佩蒂尔对她的朋友拉文德说,赫敏在女厕所里伤心地哭泣,还不让别人安慰她。

    Harry and Ron overheard Parvati Patil telling her friend Lavender that Hermione was crying in the girls ' bathroom and wanted to be left alone .

  26. 大家知道吗,在种族隔离以后,新政府进入国会大楼以后,发现大楼里没有女厕所。

    Did you also know that after apartheid , when the new government went into the parliament houses , there were no female toilets in the building ?

  27. 他们悄悄溜过空荡荡的侧面走廊,急匆匆地赶往女厕所。刚转过拐角,就听见身后传来了急促的脚步声。

    slipped down a deserted side corridor , and hurried off toward the girls ' bathroom . They had just turned the corner when they heard quick footsteps behind them .

  28. 在烘干手的时候,我与女厕所的另外3人就为何科技业的女性如此之少进行了有趣的谈话,我突然萌生了一个想法:在女性占如此少数的时候,女性专属厕所是一项值得保留的福利。

    As I dried my hands I started up an interesting conversation with the three others in there about why there are so few of them in tech , and a thought occurred to me : when women are in such a minority , a loo of their own is a perk worth keeping .

  29. 那是因为你在女洗手间上厕所。

    Henry : That 's because you pee in the ladies'room .