
tè jí
  • super;special grade;superfine
特级 [tè jí]
  • (1) [special grade]∶特别高的等级

  • (2) [superfine]∶在质量或级别上非常好的。尤指商品

特级[tè jí]
  1. 研究了结合剂种类、石墨和特级高铝矾土熟料加入量对镁铝碳(MAC)制品高温性能的影响。

    Effects of variety of binder , additions of graphite and special grade high-alumina bauxite chamotte on high temperature properties of magnesia-alumina-carbon ( MAC ) products were studied .

  2. 试验结果表明,以烧结良好的特级高铝矾土熟料为原料试制的铝硅质低水泥浇注料,用水量最少,显气孔率最低,烧后线变化率(1500℃保温3h)最小,强度最高。

    The results show that the low-cement castable prepared with well-sintered special grade bauxite chamotte has low water demand , low apparent porosity , low linear change and high strength .

  3. 将加热过的特级初榨橄榄油淋在上面。

    Drizzle them with warmed extra virgin olive oil .

  4. 基于PC的吉比特级数据采集快视系统

    PC-based Quick-Look System for Gigabit Data Acquisition

  5. 一级品率提高30%;单炉产量可提高约50%,特级品SiC含量由传统技术的98%提高到99.5%以上。

    The SiC content of the top-grade product is up to 99.5 % while the tradition technology is 98 % .

  6. 随着网络规模和速度的增加,大规模网络异常发现要求检测算法能够在无保留状态或者少保留状态下对G比特级的海量网络业务量数据进行实时在线分析。

    The anomaly detection algorithms of the large scale network ( LSN ) were required to analysis the vast network traffic of G bit level in real-time and on-the-fly .

  7. 本章结合教师专业发展的五个阶段,对G数学特级教师各个发展阶段的成长经历进行了描述,并进行了一些分析。

    This chapter combines the teacher professional development five stages , on the G mathematics superfine teacher in various stages of development experiences are described , and some analysis .

  8. 特级(XO)白兰地的紫外光谱特性

    Study on the Properties of XO Brandy by Ultraviolet Spectrometer

  9. 本章就G数学特级教师的成功专业发展进行反思,以此为切入点对不同发展阶段教师专业发展提供一些可资借鉴的经验。

    This chapter pionts out G mathematics superfine teacher success professional development reflection , from this point on the different stages of development of teachers ' professional development to provide some useful experience .

  10. 随着IP网上承载业务的多样化,以及光传输网络带宽的飞速发展,IP骨干网络正在从G比特级速度向T比特级过渡。

    With development of service diversity of the IP network and rapid bandwidth growth of the optical transmission network , the backbone network has been evolving from the Gigabit level to the Terabit level .

  11. 这应归功于亚洲需求,主要是针对顶级波尔多红酒的需求,特级勃艮第葡萄酒(grandcruburgundy)也日益吃香。

    This is thanks to Asian demand , primarily for top red Bordeaux , but also a growing thirst for Grand Cru Burgundy .

  12. 试验采用特级矾土熟料作为基本原料,添加不同比例SiC粉制成低水泥浇注料,并对该浇注料的物理性能进行分析。

    The low-cement castables were prepared with high quality bauxite clinker as basic batch compositions , added with SiC in different proportions . The analysis is made on the physical properties of the castables .

  13. G数学特级教师专业发展的每个阶段主要围绕其思想转变、教学感受、研究经历、管理经验等进行阐述。第五,G数学特级教师专业发展的途径。

    G mathematics superfine teacher professional development in each stage mainly around its ideological transformation , teaching experience , research experience , management experience are introduced in this paper . Fifth , G mathematics superfine teacher professional development way .

  14. 还没算上10种不同牌子的特级初榨橄榄油和12种Balsamic葡萄醋任你选购,

    if you don 't count the 10 extra-virgin olive oils and 12 balsamic vinegars

  15. 弗尔用来锻炼记忆的这些技巧是爱德·库克(EdCooke)发明的,库克是一位英国作家,同时也是一位世界脑力锦标赛的特级大师。

    These techniques employed by Foer to master his memory were developed by Ed Cooke – a British writer and a world memory championship grandmaster .

  16. 新雅尔塔式防守:对于弗拉基米尔普京(VladimirPutin)是政治特级大师还是就要被将死的蠢人,人们意见分歧。

    The new Yalta defence : Opinions differ as to whether Vladimir Putin is a political grandmaster or a fool who is on the verge of being checkmated .

  17. 以三聚磷酸钠为分散剂,以特级高铝矾土熟料为骨料和细粉,加入5%的SiO2微粉,骨料的配方选取合适的粒度分布系数(q值取0.26~0.30)制备试样。

    Selecting proper distribution coefficient q value between 0.26 to 0.30 , we prepare the specimen with the main materials of high-alumina bauxite , microsilica ( 5 % ) and with sodium tripolyphosphate as dispersant .

  18. 指出生活环境对教师专业发展埋下了伏笔,外在因素则为其发展增加了发展动力,内在因素则促使教师专业发展实现。第四,G数学特级教师专业发展阶段。

    Pointed out that the living environment for the professional development of teachers , the hint , extrinsic factors make its increase development motivation , intrinsic factors , promote teacher professional development . Forth , G mathematics superfine teacher professional development stages .

  19. 文章结合国家863项目T比特高性能路由器的研发,提出了用PS(并行交换)结构,利用多个G比特级交换结构来构架一个T比特级的交换网络。

    In order to meet the requirements of Terabit high performance router development of national 863 project , this paper proposes the PS ( Parallel Switch ) fabric , by using several Gigabit switch fabrics makes up of a Terabit switch network .

  20. 以特级焦宝石为骨料,将αAl2O3、SiO2及红柱石等超细粉添加于基质中,以纯铝酸钙水泥为结合剂,开发出40、45浇注料。

    Castables of brands 40 # and 45 # were developed using special grade Jiao Bao Shi as aggregate , pure calcium aluminate cement as binder and adding ultrafine powders of α Al 2O 3 , SiO 2 and andalusite into the matrix .

  21. 特级(XO)白兰地的紫外光谱具有显著的红移现象,其吸光度为3.13~3.30,红移波长宽度为30~35nm。

    Red shift occurred markedly in ultraviolet spectrum of XO brandy . The wavelength and the absorbance of XO brandy were 30 ~ 35 nm and 3.13 ~ 3.30 respectively .

  22. 2010年,在筹备与阿南德的国际象棋世界冠军争夺战时,保加利亚特级大师维塞林•托帕洛夫(VeselinTopalov)曾透露,他正在使用IBM生产的拥有8192个处理器的蓝色基因/P(BlueGene/P)超级计算机,帮助他准备某些量身定制的开局。

    In 2010 , as he prepared to fight for the world chess crown against Anand , the Bulgarian grandmaster Veselin Topalov revealed that he was using IBM 's Blue Gene / P supercomputer , decked with 8192-processors , to help prepare some tailor-made openings .

  23. 国产精制棉采用二氧化氯漂白工艺,粘度可超过1000mPa·s,白度可达特级水平,创出国内一流的优质精制棉。

    When the chlorine dioxide is used in the bleaching technology , the best chemical cotton is produced , with its viscosity over 1 000 mPa s and the whiteness over 87 % .

  24. 发酵的酱油经测定,其指标可达GB18186-2000低盐固态发酵酱油特级品,明显优于出发菌株酿造的酱油。

    The index to the soy sauce that was fermented by the mutant met to the special grade of " GB18186-2000 soy sauce with low-salt and solid-state fermentation ", which had a higher quality than the product fermented by the original strain .

  25. 结合于多糖中的ERBS占茶叶ERBS总量的比例,鄣山特级和五级茶分别为1.11%和2.10%,对孤山老叶茶,为0.85%。

    As to the total ERBS in TP extracted from Mt. Zhang super grade tea and grade 5 tea , the percentages were 1.11 % and 2.10 % respectively . As to Mt. Gu old tea , it was 0.85 % .

  26. 在交换结构的设计中引入多元超立方体静态互连技术,本文提出了一种新的分布式多机架太比特级交换网络:多元超立方体交换结构(MHSF)和相关的汉明随机路由算法(HRRA)。

    Introducing multi-ary hypercube static internetworking technology into switching fabrics design , this paper proposes a new distributed multi-chassis terabit level switching fabric : multi-ary hypercube switching fabric ( MHSF ) and related Hamming random routing algorithm ( HRRA ) .

  27. 特级、一级果率提高523%,而二级、三级果率分别减少268%、20%,每6667m2可增收1494元,经济效益显著。

    The rate of special and first grade fruit could increase about 52 3 % , but the rate of second and third grade fruit decreased 26 8 % and 20 % respectively . And the annual income could increase 22 410 yuan ( Chinese dollor ) per hectare .

  28. 以醋、盐、特级初榨橄榄油调味、拌匀。

    Dress with vinegar , salt and Extra virgin olive oil .

  29. 特别优秀的教师,可以定为特级教师。

    Particularly outstanding teachers may be designated " special-grade teachers " .

  30. 本品用季戊四醇与特级松香酯而成。

    The production is estered from extra grade rosin and pentaerythritol .