
  1. 茶园里不时飘来采茶姑娘欢快的笑声。

    Floating from time to time the girl picking tea laughter .

  2. 每天吃了早饭,就到茶园里去采茶。

    Every day after breakfast I had to go out and pick tea leaves .

  3. 在茶园里拣茶的工人。

    Worker picking tea on tea estate .

  4. 从湖南情况出发,论述了在干旱明显的地区、在基础较好的茶园里建立灌溉工程的必要性。

    Research and practice has shown the necessity of establishing sprinkling irrigation project in the well-grown tea plantation in the drought area .

  5. 杜伽尔童年时,夏天会在茶园里度过。他回忆起当时情景说,采茶工摘下两片叶子和一朵花蕾,几个小时后就变成了沏好的茶。

    From his childhood summers spent on plantations , he recalls the tea pluckers picking two leaves and a bud that was transformed into brewed tea within hours .

  6. 这些茶园的名字都非常英国化——斯特拉思顿、香农、肯尼尔沃斯之类的,如今,很多茶农都是“种植园泰米尔人”的后裔,他们的祖先于19世纪60年代从南印度乘船而来,采摘这些茶园里的第一批茶叶

    The names of the plantations - Strathdon , Shannon , Kenilworth - are distinctly Anglo and many of the field workers today are descendants of the " plantation Tamils " who were transported by boat from southern India to pick the first tea leaves cultivated in the 1860s .