
chá jiǔ
  • tea and alcohol
  1. 红景天青稞茶酒的试验与研究

    Experiment of & Research on Rhodiola Highland Barley Tealeaf Wine

  2. 采用驯化与紫外线诱变并用的方法研制茶酒酵母。

    Methods of domestication and UV mutagenesis were used to prepare tea wine yeast .

  3. 浓香型保健茶酒的研制

    Development of health tea liquor with thick aroma

  4. 有关茶酒等唐代土特产品研究综述

    The research summary about the native products such as tea and wine in Tang Dynasty

  5. 柿叶茶酒的研制

    Preparation of Persimmon Leaf Tea Liquor

  6. 乌龙茶酒的研制

    Manufacture of Oolong vino

  7. 烟雨楼通宵达旦供应茶酒面食,又有昆曲社在湖上举行曲会助兴。

    Yan Yulou supply tea wine pasta night , another Kun Opera Society was held on the lake will add to the fun song .

  8. 配制出的茶酒具有茶和酒的香气特征,口感柔和,色泽淡黄,晶莹透亮,品质好。

    The tea liquor is characterized by the aroma of tea and liquor , gentle mouthfeel , light yellow colour , clear appearance and fine quality .

  9. 很多文人茶酒均饮,试图在酒趣与茶趣之间寻找到一条互补互谅的适中之道。

    Many literati tasted both of them , tried to find a complementary and understanding " Moderate way " between the Interest and charm of tea and wine .

  10. 通过对《茶酒论》本身的文献研究引出《茶酒论》所代表的民间争奇型寓言故事的溯源问题。

    Through the " tea wine " theory of literature itself , led to " tea wine " theory represented by the civil war odd-type fable of the traceability problem .

  11. 在唐代三教合一的历史背景下,文人茶酒生活中所呈现出的这些现象都是顺理成章的。

    Under the background of the three religions ( Confucianism , Taoism , Buddhism ) unity , these phenomenon reflected in the tea and wine life of literati became a reasonable result .

  12. 文献研究主要分三个方面:《茶酒论》的作者、成书年代以及《茶酒论》不同卷子的差异对比。

    The " tea wine " theory of literature can be divided into three areas : Tea wine theory of the author of a book era and the " tea wine " theory comparison of different examination paper .

  13. 唐代文人茶酒生活的乐趣集中体现为茶趣与酒趣,并逐渐成为一种生活状态,深刻影响着文人本身,体现着文人们的精神诉求。

    The delight of tea and wine life of the literati was concentrative reflected by the interest and charm of tea and wine , and gradually became a state of life which strongly impacted on literati themselves and reflect their spiritual pursuit .

  14. 我们在宴会上以茶代酒。

    We substituted tea for wine at the banquet .

  15. 礼茶,酒和用餐礼仪一直传承着国家的文化。

    Ceremonial tea , sake and dining rituals have stayed with the culture .

  16. 那晚家里有茶有酒,火炉里还有泥炭在燃烧。

    There was tea and whiskey and turf was blazing in the grate .

  17. 我们可以以茶代替酒。

    We can substitute wine with tea .

  18. 清代广州园林与茶(酒)楼的发展融合

    Development and Integration of Guangzhou Teahouse ( Restaurant ) and Landscaped Garden during the Qing Dynasty

  19. 我酒量不好,刚才已经喝了几杯,现在只能以茶代酒,请见谅。

    I am so sorry , but may I substitute wine with tea and seek your kind understanding .

  20. 有男女五名统一着装的服务员,穿巡奉递茶、酒、点心。

    Five uniformly dressed male and female servants weave through the crowd serving tea , wine , and canap é s.

  21. 茶、酒商品同作为中华民族的传统商品,其命名在修辞特色方面,既有相似性,也有差异性。

    Tea products and wine products both are the Chinese traditional products . Their names contain rhetoric similarities and rhetoric differences .

  22. 已有数百年历史的茶或酒,它们目前是中国最大的广告投放客户。

    Tea or wines that already have a few hundred years of history are now among [ China 's ] biggest advertisers .

  23. 敬茶、酒、烟时,要双手奉上,手指不能放进碗口。

    To present tea , alcohol , tobacco , to offer his hands , fingers can not put into the bowl edge .

  24. 品评茶、酒、咖啡等质量的技师,除味觉以外,嗅觉也非常灵敏,这样才能胜任工作。

    The technician of the quality such as comment on tea , wine , coffee , divide taste beyond , smell is very acute also , such ability competence work .

  25. 同时,唐代文人不再闭门独品,而是以茶和酒为纽带进行内容丰富、形式多样的社交活动。

    At the same time , the tea and wine tasting of literati was no longer a closed-door product , but became the links of social activities which had profuse contents and multiple forms .

  26. 在最后两天中,他们不允许吃巧克力或包含相似成分的任何东西,包括很多种的浆果和水果,他们也不能喝咖啡、茶或酒。

    During the last two days they were not allowed to eat chocolate or anything containing similar compounds , including many kinds of berries and fruits , nor could they drink coffee , tea , or wine .

  27. 茶和酒虽然在文人的生活中具有不同的意义和作用,但却互为补充.它们被唐代文人寄予了同样真挚的感情,满足了文人生活和心境的不同需要。

    The tea and wine had a different meanings and roles in the life of the literati , but complemented with each other . They had been placed equally sincere feelings by the literati , and was satisfied with the needs of life and mood of literati .

  28. 茶菌保健酒的研制

    The research of Tea fungus in the wine of medical care

  29. 扬州的饮食文化的物质表现形式为菜肴文化、茶文化和酒文化。

    Its physical expression takes the form of cooked food culture , tea culture and wine culture .

  30. 牧人的肉食品、奶食品、茶文化和酒文化都独具特色,构成游牧文化的重要侧面。

    The meat food , milk food , tea culture and wine culture , which show distinctive features , are the essential parts of nomadic culture .