
  1. 普洱茶属于中国六大茶类之一的黑茶类,具有非常悠久的发展历史和深厚的文化内涵。

    Pu-erh tea is a dark tea which is one of Chinese six tea brands . It has a very long history and profound cultural connotations .

  2. 白茶作为中国六大茶类之一,由于其特殊的加工工序,相较于其他茶类,保留了大量的茶多酚、茶氨酸、咖啡碱等营养成分。

    White tea , as one of six tea , retains a large quantity of polyphenols , theanine , caffeine and other nutrients compared to other teas because of its unique procedures .

  3. 白茶是中国传统六大茶类之一,主产于福建的福鼎、政和、建阳、松溪等县。

    White tea is one of Chinese six traditional tea brands , which mainly produced in Fujian province .

  4. 白茶是中国的的六大茶类之一,而安吉白茶又是浙江省很有名的一个新茶品种。

    The white tea is one of the six major tea categories in China , and Anji white tea is a new breed among famous teas in Zhejiang Province .