
zhōnɡ jì wèi xīnɡ
  • relay satellite;TDRSS;repeater satellite;Rstar
  1. 中继卫星任务规划与调度是中继卫星系统应用中的重要问题。

    Mission planning and scheduling of TDRSS ( Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System ) are important to application of TDRSS .

  2. 为了提高跟踪和数据中继卫星系统的传输容量,采用ITU推荐的Ka波段为星间微波链路的通信波段,跟踪和数据中继卫星之间采用激光链路。

    In order to improve transmission capacity of TDRSS , microwave link is used to Ka band , and laser link is used among TDRSS , according to ITU proposal .

  3. 中继卫星H∞姿态稳定控制研究

    Study of H_ ∞ Attitude Stabilization Control of TDRS

  4. 提出了一种适用于我国的跟踪与数据中继卫星系统(TrackingandDataRelaySatelliteSystem,TDRSS)星座方案。

    A tracking and data relay satellite system ( TDRSS ) constellation scheme for China is proposed .

  5. 基于UML的跟踪与数据中继卫星系统仿真研究

    Research on Tracking and Date Relay Satellite System Simulation Based on UML

  6. 中继卫星的调度问题是一个多资源多任务的复杂NP问题。

    The scheduling problem for data relay satellite system is a complex NP hard question .

  7. 中继卫星调度问题的CSP模型

    CSP Model of the Relay Satellite Scheduling

  8. 跟踪与数据中继卫星Ku频段的同频干扰分析

    TDRS Ku Band Shared Frequency Interference Analysis

  9. 利用STK,采用模拟仿真的方法,分析了中继卫星与用户航天器之间的星间链路特性。

    The characteristics of the inter-satellites links are simulated with STK.

  10. 利用双星系统建立初级数据中继卫星系统(TDRSS)的探讨

    The Exploration for Building Elementary TDRSS by Use of Dual Satellites System

  11. 基于STK跟踪与数据中继卫星轨道设计与仿真

    Design and Simulation of TDRS Orbit on STK

  12. BRT和CEI技术用于数据中继卫星测定轨的分析比较

    Analysis of the Application of BRT and CEI in Tracking and Orbit Determination for Data Relay Satellites

  13. 中继卫星动态调度问题是一个典型的多目标决策问题,采用TOPSIS方法处理多目标决策。

    The paper presents TOPSIS method to solve the dynamic scheduling problem of the relay satellite as a typical multi-objective decision-making problem .

  14. 跟踪与数据中继卫星(TDRS)跟踪用户星的条件分析

    Term Analysis of a TDRS Tracking a User Satellite

  15. 即将筹建的跟踪及数字中继卫星系统(TDRSS)是国防和载人航天的重要支撑系统。

    Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System studying and constructing is an important sustaining system in China .

  16. 用户终端在跟踪与数据中继卫星系统(TDRSS)中具有重要作用。

    User terminals play an important role in tracking and data relay satellite system ( TDRSS ) .

  17. 高速数传收发信机的设计是跟踪与数据中继卫星系统(TDRSS)的关键技术之一。

    Design of all digital high data rate transmission transceivers is the key techniques of the TDRSS systems .

  18. 讨论了跟踪及数字中继卫星系统(TDRSS)一种新的扩频调制方案,即并行MSK扩频。

    A novel spread spectrum scheme of Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System , i.e.the parallel MSK spread spectrum modulation is discussed in this paper .

  19. 环月飞行器精密定轨的模拟仿真中继卫星(TDRS)支持环月探测器的研究

    Simulation of Precise Orbit Determination for a Lunar Orbiter On a Tracking and Data Relay Satellite ( TDRS ) Tracking a Lunar satellite

  20. 为了解决中继卫星高速数传中的频带利用率紧张的问题,研究将同时优化频带利用率和功率利用率的TCM技术与高速数传相结合的技术具有很迫切的实用价值。

    To solve the problem that the frequency band is very tense in DRSS , it is very necessary to study how to use TCM in high-speed data communication systems , since TCM has an advantage of excellent utility of both frequency band and power .

  21. 它可应用于中继卫星通信中高速数传且频带有效QPSK的同步解调。

    The proposed algorithm can be used to demodulate high data rate and bandwidth efficient QPSK signal , which is used in Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System ( TDRSS ) .

  22. 论文通过分析DSP空间数传链路的特点,提出了针对跟踪与数据中继卫星(TDRSS)星际返向链路进行信号检测、参数提取的方案,从而达到分析和识别DSP工作状态的目的。

    By analyzing the features of DSP interstellar communication link , it is presented a scheme to analyzing and recognizing DSP functional mode through detecting TDRSS ( Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System ) signals and estimating TDRSS signals parameters .

  23. 介绍了利用跟踪中继卫星系统(TDRSS)信息的单向多普勒定轨技术。

    The method of onboard orbit determination using one-way Doppler data derived from tracking and data relay satellite system ( TDRSS ) was introduced in this paper .

  24. 本文针对跟踪与数据中继卫星系统(TDRSS)中的码同步问题,着重讨论了定长检测和序贯检测这两种捕获方法。

    Aiming at code synchronization problems in Tracking and Date Relay Satellite System ( TDRSS ), this paper chiefly discussed the acquisition methods of both fixed length test and sequential detection test .

  25. 作为一种新型的天基测控系统,跟踪与数据中继卫星系统(TDRSS)代表了国际上测控领域的新的发展方向。

    As a novel space-based tracking telemetering and command system , the Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System ( TDRSS ) represents a new direction in the international tracking telemetering and command field .

  26. 根据卫星轨道根数,研究了跟踪与数据中继卫星(TDRS)对用户星的精确跟踪规律,并据此分析了TDRS对卫星平台姿态和天线运动范围的要求。

    The laws of a tracking and data relay satellite ( TDRS ) tracking use satellites were presented based on the orbital elements in this paper . The requirements of platform attitude and antenna operation range of a TDRS were studied .

  27. 高级在轨系统AOS在我国载人航天等空间任务中得到了应用,并将继续在将来的载人航天、探月工程及我国的跟踪与数据中继卫星等航天计划中得到广泛应用。

    The Advanced Orbiting System ( AOS ) has been adopted and realized in many aero-space missions in our country such as manned spacecraft projects etc. , and it will be used more extensively in future aerospace plans like moon exploration projects , tracking and data relay satellites .

  28. 日本月球探测计划(SELENE)定于2004年夏季利用HIIa火箭发射一组共3颗绕月人造卫星。他们是主卫星、跟踪中继卫星和空间VLBI电波源。

    Japanese lunar exploration mission , SELENE , has been planned to be launched into space by using H II-a rocket in the Summer of 2004 . This mission is composed of 3 subsatellites , a main lunar orbiter , a relay satellite and a free flying VLBI radio source .

  29. 基于中轨跟踪与数据中继卫星系统(MEO-TDRSS)星座方案的功能和业务特性,对4种常见星座实现的我国中轨TDRSS的覆盖特性和星际链路性能进行了仿真分析和比较。

    Based on the functionality and traffic characteristics of the Medium Earth Orbit Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System ( MEO-TDRSS ), the coverage properties and Inter-Satellite Link ( ISL ) performances of four familiar satellite constellation schemes which are adopted as the MEO-TDRSS of China are simulated and compared .

  30. 数据中继卫星系统(DRSS)以其高覆盖率、大容量、使用灵活等优点成为航天领域的一个重点发展方向,其返向通信链路高速数据传输是它的主要业务之一。

    Data Relay Satellite System ( DRSS ) is a promising research area in the field of spaceflight thanks to its near-world wide coverage , large capacity and agile controllability . High speed data transmission of the satellite communication in the backward channel is one major service of DRSS .