
  1. 《中国语言学史》评介

    A Review of A History of Chinese Linguistics

  2. 梳理当代西方的中国语言学史研究具有语言史、学术史的双重价值。

    This research has the double value of the Chinese history of language and learning .

  3. 当代西方的中国语言学史研究

    Contemporary Western Chinese Linguistics History Studies

  4. 西方语言学史家基于自身的语言观,其关于中国语言学史的论述往往有独特的发现。

    These western scholars usually have some unique findings because of their special point of view about Chinese linguistic history .

  5. 如果对古籍的注疏进行分析和研究,就可以理清各个时期学者的语言学观点,从而丰富和完善中国语言学史。

    Once we start to analyze and study these notes and commentaries , we can put their linguistic ideas in good order and then enrich and develop the history of Chinese linguistics .

  6. 《助字辨略》在收字规模、词类划分和训释方法上取得了巨大的成果,是中国语言学史上一部具有重要价值的虚词著作。

    Zhu Zi Bian Lue has made remarkable achievement in three aspects : the scale of words , the division of parts of speech and the means of explanation of ancient words , it is an important function words work in the history of Chinese linguistics .