
  • 网络Intermediate frequency induction furnace;KGPS
  1. 在硅化钼电阻炉和中频感应炉内,用Si-Fe、Si-Al合金作发热剂进行了钢液升温的实验研究。

    The application of Si Fe and Si Al alloys as heating agent to heat molten steel is studied by using MoSi resistance furnace and medium frequency induction furnace .

  2. 用MCS-51单片微机改造晶闸管中频感应炉

    A MCS-51 Single-chip Microcomputer for Remolding the SCR Medium Frequency Inductive Heating Computer Simulation of Inductive Heating of Tubes

  3. 中频感应炉用刚玉质干式捣打料烧结性的研究提高SiC陶瓷烧结用真空中频感应炉加热性能的试验研究

    Study on sintering property of corundum based dry ramming mix for intermediate frequency induction furnace IMPROVEMENT ON THE HEATING PERFORMANCES OF VACUUM INDUCTION FURNACE FOR SINTERING SIC CERAMICS

  4. 文章利用中频感应炉炼制2种锰含量不同的硫化物自润滑合金,通过SEM观察断口并结合组织分析,研究合金中的硫化物形成以及合金的断裂行为。

    Self-lubrication alloys containing sulphide with different contents of manganese were prepared by a induction melting and casting process . The formation of sulfide in these alloys and their fracture were researched both with a scanning electron microscope and microstructure analysis .

  5. 并介绍了镁质修补料在0.5t中频感应炉坩埚上的实际应用效果。

    The application results of MgO based mending materials on crucible of 0.5 t medium frequency induction furnace are introduced .

  6. 在容量为150kg中频感应炉内进行的热模拟试验表明,无论采用Al或Si-Ca-Ba-Al作发热剂进行钢液吹氧升温均是可行的。

    The hot simulation test for temperature rise in IR-UT-16 Refining ladle by blowing oxygen was performed using a 150 kg medium frequency induction furnace . The results show that temperature rise by blowing oxygen is available using Al or St-Ca-Ba-Al heat producing agent .

  7. 用本产品作合金剂,在100kVA中频感应炉上对40Cr、15CrMo等钢种的冶炼工艺进行研究。

    The two kinds of products were used as alloy addition to melt the structural alloys ( 40Cr and 15CrMo ) in an induction furnace with the capacity of 100 kg .

  8. 介绍了在100kg中频感应炉上模拟复吹转炉,采用石灰基烧结渣等原料作为脱磷剂,对含0.2%左右含磷量中磷铁水进行脱磷处理的方法及结果。

    Simulating combined blow converter on 100 kg HF furnace with CaO based sintered slag used as the dephosphorizing agent , this paper introduces the method and result of dephosphorization of medium-phosphorus hot metal with about 0.2 % in phosphorus content .

  9. 在0.5t中频感应炉中,用海绵铁作原料,采用适当的冶炼工艺制度,可以冶炼符合GB9971-88标准的纯铁,产品可以满足冶炼高级合金钢、高温合金和非晶母合金的需要。

    The pure iron according with GB 9971-88 standard can be produced with sponge iron in 0.5t medium frequency induction furnace in appropriate technological schedule . The products can meet the needs of smelting high alloy steel , high temperature alloy and noncrystal alloy .

  10. 本论文研究是以纯铁、纯铬、碳、稀土元素铈为原料,通过ZG-0.01真空中频感应炉和WS-4非自耗真空电弧炉分别冶炼了两种Ce含量不同的1Cr17Ce不锈钢试样。

    The object of this thesis are two kind of different materials which was smelted by ZG-0.01 vacuum medium frequency induction furnace and WS-4 non-consumable vacuum arc furnace with pure iron , pure chromium , carbon , rare earth element ( cerium ) as raw materials .

  11. 高铝矾土熟料在中频感应炉中的应用及提高寿命的措施

    The Application of High Aluminous to Medium Frequency Induction Furnace

  12. 浅析怎样提高中频感应炉熔化速度

    Brief Discussion on How to Improve Melting Speed of MF Induction Furnace

  13. 中频感应炉电源逆变电路改进及应用研究

    Researches on the Improvement of Inverter Circuit for Medium Frequency Induction Furnace Power Supply

  14. 钕铁硼合金用真空中频感应炉熔制。

    The NdFeB alloy was melted in a vacuum mid-frequency induction furnace and then homogenized .

  15. 镁质修补料研究及其在中频感应炉上的应用

    Experimental Research on MgO Based Mending Materials and Its Application on Medium Frequency Induction Furnace

  16. 实践表明,改进后的逆变电路能提高中频感应炉的功率因数,并能保持恒功率输出,且节能效果显著。

    The results reveal that full power can be output and saving energy result is remarkable .

  17. 熔渣对中频感应炉碱性炉衬寿命的影响

    The influence of melting slag on the longevity of basic lining in medium frequency induction furnaces

  18. 在中频感应炉中影响氮含量溶解度的决定因素是氮元素的化学势。

    The key factor is chemical potential of nitrogen element in determining its solubility when it is molten in vacuum induction furnace .

  19. 中频感应炉将不锈钢生产中产生的烟尘冶炼镍铬铁,技术上可行,社会效果和经济效益显著。

    The technology makes it feasible that nickel-chromium ferroalloys can be produced with the stainless steel fume in medium frequency induction furnace .

  20. 本文介绍了中频感应炉的炉衬制作和操作要领.以及炉体炉况维护的实践经验。

    The paper introduces practical experiences of lining-up , operational essentials and maintenance of furnace body and running state of medium frequency inductance furnace .

  21. 中频感应炉冶炼合金工模具钢的成分控制和合金元素烧损探析

    Trial and Analysis on composition control of alloyed tool steel and die steel and alloying element loss in refining by medium frequency induction furnace

  22. 按合金组份配制的原料用氧化铝坩埚在真空中频感应炉中熔键成方坯条,再轧制成丝坯,最后拉制成钎焊丝材。

    The Starting material is melted and poured into the quadrate billets , then rolled out in wire rods , finally drawn into brazing wire .

  23. 用容量为150公斤的中频感应炉,对喷吹石灰基复合脱硫剂予处理铁水进行了试验研究。

    This paper deals with the hot metal pretreatment by injecting lime base complex desulphurizer in a middle frequency induction furnace ( capacity : 150 kg ) .

  24. 采用中频感应炉进行旋转浸渍法抗渣实验,研究了未加入和加入5%矾土基β-Sialon镁质浇注料在1600℃不同浸渍时间(分别为10,15,20,25min)条件下的抗渣性能。

    The slag resistance of magnesia castable without Sialon and with 5 % bauxite-based β - Sialon was studied by revolution dipping meth-od at 1 600 ℃ for 10,15,20 and 25 minutes .

  25. 简述了当今各典型中频感应炉的性能及优缺点,介绍了电压型串联谐振中频感应熔炼炉的选用情况及在国内应用的前景。

    The performance , merits and demerits of various typical mid frequency induction furnace at present are reviewed briefly . Features and application prospect of voltage series connection resonance mid frequency induction furnace are described .

  26. 对中频感应炉的节能设计进行了研究,并指出了节能设计的方向,这将十分有益于中频感应熔炼炉的设计、操作和提高其经济效益。

    This article studied the saving energy design of induction smelting furnace with intermediate frequency electrical source and pointed out its direction , which would be beneficial to the design operation and increasing of its economic benefits .

  27. 用MATLAB对中频感应加热炉数学模型进行仿真实验。

    The medium frequence heating furnace mathematical model is simulated by Matlab .

  28. 基于DSP设计的中频感应熔炼炉功率分配器

    Power-distributor of Middle-frequency Inductive Melting Oven Designed by DSP

  29. 10t无心中频感应保温炉的设计和制造(1)

    Design and Manufacture of a 10 t Medium Frequency Induction Holding Furnace ( 1 )

  30. 在ZG-25型中频感应真空炉中进行了铝-锂合金的熔炼与铸锭。

    Aluminium-lithium alloys were melted and cast in the type ZG-25 vacuum medium frequency induction melting furnace .