
  • 网络China Home Textiles
  1. 论中国家用纺织品的品与牌

    On the " Quality " and " Brand " of China 's Home Textiles

  2. 中国家用纺织品行业拥有巨大的发展空间和市场容量,面临着良好的发展机遇,也面临着挑战。

    The domestic textile industry has huge development room and market capacity , thus face development opportunity and challenge .

  3. 中国家用纺织品,要从世界级的生产大国、制造大国走设计强国、品牌强国,就必须注重家用纺织品的设计创新。

    If China 's home textiles want to go from a great nation of production and manufacturing to that of design and brands , emphasis should be put on the design innovation of home textiles .

  4. 以中国家用纺织品市场对绿色纤维的需求为出发点,探讨了绿色生态纤维的特点及绿色生态纤维面料对人体的功能作用。

    The paper takes need of Chinese household textile product market to the green fiber as the point of departure , inquiring into the characteristics of the green ecological fiber , the function action of the green ecological fiber to the human body .

  5. 另一方面应当加强对中国传统家纺设计文化的研究,设计开发出具有时代性和时尚性的采用中国传统技艺制作的世界一流家纺产品,以促进中国家用纺织品行业的发展。

    The other is enhance research of Chinese traditional design in house culture , design and develop out the top - grade product in house of world that vogue adopting the Chinese traditional technical skill , thus promote the development of the Chinese household - use textile product industry .