
  • 网络Chinese green tea;CHINESE TEA
  1. 我们专营中国绿茶出口业务。

    We specialize in the export of Chinese green tea .

  2. 中国绿茶在北美总是畅销。

    Chinese green tea always finds a ready market in North America .

  3. 熙春茶中国绿茶的一种,叶扭曲。

    A type of Chinese green tea with twisted leaves .

  4. 为了您的健康,请君常购中国绿茶。

    Always Buy Chinese green tea for the sake of your health .

  5. 龙井是一种著名的中国绿茶。

    Longjing is a famous Chinese green tea .

  6. 请君常购中国绿茶。

    Always buy Chinese green teas .

  7. 请购中国绿茶,愿君常喝,更愿君长寿。

    Buy Chinese green tea and drink it regularly so as to live a long life .

  8. 中国绿茶的抗肿瘤作用&Ⅲ.龙雾茶提取物防癌作用的人体实验

    Anticarcinogenic activity of Chinese Green Tea & ⅲ . The cancer-preventing effect of Chinese Green Tea in Human Body

  9. 韩国绿茶样品汤明度高于中国绿茶,但色度比中国绿茶样品低。

    The liquor color of Korean roasted green tea had higher lightness but lighter color than Chinese roasted green tea .

  10. 孩子们下午四点回家后,她就为他们做小吃,然后她饮中国绿茶,与孩子们聊天,并帮助他们做家庭作业。

    Then she drinks some Chinese green tea and spends some time talking to the children and helping them with their homework .

  11. 你不介意的话,我宁愿喝一杯你们中国绿茶,也许它会给我提提神。

    If you don mind , I prefer to have a cup of your Chinese green tea , Which perhaps will refresh me .

  12. 他对茶具很挑剔,他用著名的中国绿茶招待我的时候,从来没用过同样的茶杯。

    He 's particular about tea sets , and he never gives me the same tea cup twice when he treats me to famous Chinese green tea .

  13. 此茶入口清淡甘甜,特别适合刚刚喝茶的人,他们可以更好的借此茶享受中国的绿茶的味道。

    There is also a hint of sweetness and its light taste is perfect for newcomers introducing themselves to loose Chinese green tea .

  14. 中国的绿茶铁观音,3000美元一千克,大概一杯要15美元一杯。

    Chinese green tea called Tieguanyin , which costs $ 3,000 per kilo ( per 2 lb 3 oz ) approximately $ 15 for a single cup .

  15. 在中国,绿茶比红茶更受青睐,因此,中国不太可能有伯爵茶的配方,虽然在许多年后各种不同的茶都开始慢慢为人接受。

    Thus , it seems somewhat unlikely that they would have had a recipe for what we now call Earl Grey to bestow on visitors , though over the years many other varieties of tea have been used .

  16. 维他麦似乎想先打入零食市场,近来推出了专门面向中国市场的绿茶和黑巧克力欧倍(Alpen)谷物棒。

    Weetabix seems to be tackling the snack market first , recently introducing green tea and dark chocolate Alpen cereal bars , just for the China market .

  17. 中国人喜欢喝绿茶和花茶。

    The Chinese like to drink green tea and jasmine tea .

  18. 欢迎外国朋友饮用中国海南的白沙绿茶!

    Feel free to taste the special green tea made in baisha , hainan province , China .

  19. 例如,宝洁(procter&gamble)为数百万中国农民推出了绿茶味道的牙膏。

    Procter & Gamble , for example , has added tea flavour to toothpaste destined for millions of rural Chinese .

  20. 因为你们国家从中国进口红茶和绿茶,同时印度是英国红茶主要的输出国。

    For your country imports both black and green tea from China as well-India being one of the leading exporters of black tea to U.K.

  21. 在日本、中国和韩国,绿茶的制作和喝的方式是茶道的焦点。

    In Japan , China and Korea , green tea is the focus of tea ceremonies revolving around both the making and drinking of tea .

  22. 历史名茶&六安瓜片被列为中国十大经典绿茶之一,是与其独特的生长环境、制作工艺和优良的品质分不开的。

    Liu'an Guapian tea is one of the ten historical green teas in China , which is concerned with its growing surroundings , manufacturing arts and the high quality .

  23. 而中国先民早与绿茶为伍,含有丰富维生素与纤维质的擂茶,是随时补充能源的良方。

    But the Chinese have been using green tea since ancient times , and leicha , so rich in vitamins and fiber , is an excellent energy supplement at all times .

  24. 其中苦味是最难得的(这也就是为什么大多数药物都是苦的),而中国人常饮绿茶,夏天饮茶尤多,此时吃“苦”尤为重要,而茶就为他们补上了“苦”之一味。

    The most difficult to find isbitter ( which is why most medicines are bitter ) but Chinese people drink plentyof green tea as for their bitter fix , especially in the summer when it isparticularly important to eat bitter foods .