
  • 网络moderate caries;intermediate caries;dentin caries;intermedicate caries
  1. 在医护人员的规范的接诊医疗行为下使乳牙浅龋充填率达到92.5%,中龋充填率为83.7%,深龋充填率为76.8%。

    With the standard medical behaviors , the filling rates of shallow caries , moderate caries and deep caries were 92.5 % , 83.7 % and 76.8 % respectively .

  2. 碘化银法涂层后银汞充填治疗中龋的疗效观察

    Clinical Observation of Treatment of Dentin Caries by Silver Amalgam Filling after Smearing Layer with Silver Iodide

  3. 硝酸银和碘伏消毒后牙敏感中龋窝洞的临床疗效

    The clinical curative effect for hole of sensitive middle dental caries is observed after disinfecting with the silver nitrate and iodoform

  4. 纤维粘连蛋白在人正常、浅龋、中龋恒牙成牙本质细胞层和前期牙本质的表达变化

    Expresion Change of Fibronectin in the Odontoblast Layer and predentine of the Normal and of Shallow , Middle Human Permanent Molars

  5. 结果:全部调查对象的前磨牙及磨牙中龋或以上程度龋损的患龋率42.65%,其中第一磨牙龋损情况最为突出。

    Result : The overall prevalence of premolars and molars was 42.65 % , and the first permanent molar was mostly affected .

  6. 结果随访1年发现,实验组无1例发展为中龋,而对照组有28颗(32.94%)发展为中龋。

    Results Pit and fissure filling has effectively prevented the further development of caries . In test group no case developed intermediate caries from superficial caries . On the other hand the proportion of the intermediate caries in control group was 32.94 % .

  7. 方法对175名12~14岁儿童2年中新增龋与基线DMFS、口腔卫生行为、菌斑指数和牙菌斑中无机成分等指标进行纵向观察;

    Methods Subjects were 175 of 12 ~ 14 years old schoolchildren . DMFS , plaque scores and oral health behavior were recorded in baseline , year 1 and year 2 examinations .

  8. 在下颌第2乳磨牙中,龋坏最严重的位点有51.2%发生在舌沟;

    The lingual groove was the most severe site in mandibular second primary molar , account for 51 % of the total caries sites .

  9. 结论:通过刃天青纸片的变色程度可以预测牙菌斑中致龋细菌数,从而起到预测龋活性的目的;

    Conclusion : The caries activity can be predicted by color variation of RD TEST since it can present the quantity of bacteria in dental plaque .

  10. 老年根面龋易感者牙菌斑与唾液中致龋菌分析这个忠告并不仅仅局限于预防龋齿。

    The Pathogenic Bacteria Analysis of Plaque and Saliva from Susceptible Senile Persons with Root Surface Caries ; The advice was not restricted to the prevention of tooth decay .

  11. 结果:(1)随着年龄的增大,第二磨牙远中邻面龋发生率越高;

    Results : ( 1 ) The rate was higher with age growing ;

  12. 下颌阻生智齿与第二磨牙远中邻面龋关系的研究

    The Relation between Mandibular Impacted Teeth and the Distal Caries of the Second Mandibular Molar

  13. 你能不能指出一个单一的图片,并从书中讲述它龋?

    Could you point out a single picture from the book and tell the story it caries ?

  14. 1~4组为对照组,显示正常窝沟形态、窝沟浅、中、深龋;

    1-4 control groups display the conformation of normal pits and fissures , superficial and medium and deep pit and fissure caries .

  15. 结果有母乳喂养经历的婴幼儿患龋率高于人工喂养的,但无统计学上的差异,而母乳喂养超过12个月的儿童中,患龋率随时间的延长而增高。

    Results Children who had been breast-fed had higher prevalence of caries than those with bottle-fed , but those differences failed to reach statistical significance . Children who breast-fed more than 12 months tended to have higher prevalence of caries as along as prolonged breast-feeding .

  16. 结果表明:阻生智齿龋发生率为10.2%,第二磨牙远中邻面龋34.1%,第二磨牙远中牙槽骨吸收3.7%,智齿根端病变3.2%,第二磨牙牙根吸收4.0%。

    The results showed that incidence of caries in wisdom tooth was 10 . 2 % . distal caries in second molar was 34.1 % , alveolar bone resorption of second molar 38 . 9 % . ( 2 ) The rate was different in 4 impact types .

  17. 唾液及菌斑液中蛋白成分与龋易感性的关系

    Proteins in saliva and dental plaque fluid in relation to caries susceptibility

  18. 方法:选择牛牙36颗于乳酸凝胶中形成人工釉质龋,两周后将以上脱矿釉质块随机分成4组样本,其中3组为实验组,1组为对照组。

    Methods : 36 bovine teeth were selected and artificial carious lesions were formed with lactic acid gel .

  19. 结论龋损组织中内毒素量与龋损活动性相关;龋损组织中的内毒素可以渗到下方健康牙本质中,可能成为牙髓损伤的原因。

    Conclusion The concentration of endotoxin in debris is associated with the progression rate of caries , and endotoxin penetrating to the underlying dentin may constitute the causes of pulp injury .