
  • 网络China Mall;absc
  1. 很多人对1999年中国第一商城与现代城斗智斗勇记忆犹新。

    Many people in1999 China 's first Mall and dangerous ways fresh .

  2. 中国第一商城二期

    The first shopping mall of China , 2nd phase

  3. 中国第一商城和中国世界贸易中心、新世界京广中心组成一个黄金商业地带&一个独特的商业区。

    The Great Mall together with China World Trade Center and the New World Jing Guang center constitute a golden zone - a unique business area .

  4. 华储物流通过中国信用商城网整合资源,优化资源配置,可以提高资源利用率,减少资源浪费。

    Sinolgis Logistics have integrated the resources and optimized the resource distribution through China Credit Mall Web Site so as to improve resource utilization and reduce the resource waste .

  5. 当乐天(rakuten)和百度联手,在中国成立在线商城时,这一合作看上去似乎是天作之合,成功指日可待。

    When Rakuten set up an online shopping mall in China with Baidu , the tie-up seemed a clear formula for success .

  6. 在线消费者品牌选择的动态忠诚度识别&基于中国某网上商城面板数据实证研究

    Identification of Dynamic Loyalty of Online Consumer Brand Choice & Based on the Consumer Panel Data of a Famous E-tailer in China

  7. 它将在中国的线上商城淘宝上进行拍卖。起价5000万人民币(约合美元790万)。

    It will be up for auction on Taobao , Chinese online shopping website , with a starting price of 500million yuan ( $ 79 million ) .

  8. 为了实现客户通过电子商务门户进行积分兑换礼品的基本业务的后台支撑和管理需求,特此提出了中国移动积分商城统一管理平台系统的开发需求。

    A uniform management platform system was supposed to develop up by China Mobile in order to realize the backend support and management requirements for subscribers to exchange gifts via electronic commerce portal .

  9. 中国在线零售商京东商城出售从剃须刀、蒸锅到智能手机等所有商品,而且其并不缺乏雄心壮志。

    Chinese online retailer Jingdong Mall , which sells everything from shavers to steamers to smartphones , is not short on ambition .