
  1. 迪拜经济的不确定性恶化了我们对政府履行其承诺能力的看法,惠誉的新兴市场结构性融资负责人雅伊梅桑斯(JaimeSanz)说。

    The economic uncertainty in Dubai has soured our view of the sovereign capacity to meet its commitments , said Jaime Sanz , Fitch 's head of emerging markets structured finance .

  2. 它是迪拜经济最大的非石油贡献者之一。

    It is one of the largest non-oil contributors to Dubai 's economy .

  3. 随着发展过热的房地产行业最终垮台,围绕这座城市1000多亿美元债务产生的信心危机,为迪拜经济陷入深度衰退的一年画上句号。

    The crisis of confidence surrounding the city 's $ 100bn-plus debt pile capped a year of deep recession as the overheated real estate sector finally crashed .

  4. 例如,迪拜经济的快速发展吸引了来自南亚的劳工,如今,孟加拉吉大港的移民已垄断了建筑市场的就业,来自巴基斯坦柏夏瓦的移民则主宰着当地的出租车行业。

    In Dubai , whose rapidly growing economy has been absorbing labour from South Asia , migrants from the Bangladeshi town of Chittagong have cornered the market for jobs in construction , while those from Peshawar in Pakistan dominate the taxi trade , for example .

  5. 周德文的访问团体意识到,在建成世界上最高的大厦之后,迪拜的经济会出现复苏。

    Zhou 's visiting group is sensing the recovery of Dubai after the completion of the world 's tallest building .

  6. 迪拜的经济极度依赖其房地产市场,2002年,政府向外国投资者开放了部分开发区。

    Dubai 's economy is significantly dependent on its property market , which the government opened to foreign investors in certain developments in2002 .

  7. 尽管如今迪拜已经减少了对石油贸易的依赖,其当前经济来源也主要依靠商业,旅游业和其他服务业。如果迪拜已经从2008年的金融危机当中有所收获和启发,那么观望迪拜未来的经济发展将会是一件有趣的事情。

    Although Dubai is less reliant on oil trade and now primarily depends on commerce , tourism and other services , it will be interesting to see what the future holds for its economy and if it has learned anything from the 2008 crash .

  8. 有报道称,自去年11月迪拜债务危机爆发以来,当地的房地产价格进一步下跌,同时有迹象表明,迪拜经济可能已触底回升。这些消息吸引了温州商人前往迪拜。

    They have been attracted to the city-state by reports that property prices there have fallen further since the local debt crisis erupted in November , and signs that Dubai 's economy may have bottomed out and begun to recover .