
  • 网络Deaver
  1. 迪弗小姐是你吗?

    Miss Deaver , is that you ?

  2. 迪弗在1987年曾被判在法庭上做伪证,当时他被指控在白宫任职期间进行游说活动。

    Deaver was convicted in1987on perjury charges concerning his lobbying activities while at the white house .

  3. 迪弗的家人表示,他是于今天在马里兰州贝特斯塔的家中告别人世的。

    A family statement says he died today at his home in Bethesda , Maryland .

  4. 特工部门实现用无线电通报说我来了,所以迈克。迪弗已在门口接我。

    The Secret Service had radioed ahead that I was coming , and Mike Deaver met me at the door .