
  1. 英语重叠词与汉语双声叠韵词在语音、词形等外在形式上有诸多相似之处,但通过分析比较便可发现两者的相似只不过是一种偶然的契合。

    English reduplicatives and Chinese alliterative / rhyming compounds with the same components share many similarities in phonetics and morphology , but through comparison and analysis we find that the similarities between them are merely accidental coincidences .

  2. 此外还有新诗语言中双声叠韵、叠词、重复的运用等都能传达新诗的和谐。

    In New Chinese poetry , there is also alliteration and assonance , overlapping words , repeated use of such poetry . They can convey the harmony .