
  • 网络gun;Two Guns;suncha;akimbo
  1. 修正双枪的射击速度问题。

    Fixed akimbo rapid fire exploit .

  2. 双枪脉冲法测量介质二次电子发射特性

    The two electron gun method for the measurement of secondary electron emission characteristics of dielectric materials

  3. 就在这巨痛和吃惊之际,我的双枪响了,随即枪也从手中滑落。掉下去的不光是两枝枪。

    In the terrible pain and surprise of the moment , both my pistols went off and fell from my hands .

  4. 300t铁水包双枪喷吹脱硫均混时间的水模型研究

    A Study of Water Modelling on Mixing Time for a 300 t Hot Metal Desulphurization-Pretreated by Double-Lance Injection Process

  5. 他被叫做双枪corcoran呀。

    He was called two-gun corcoran .

  6. 环缝双枪自动焊接机床的设计

    Design of automatic welding machine tool with two guns for ringlike seam

  7. 全冷装平炉异位双流双枪顶吹氧炼钢工艺试验

    Cold-charing open hearth steelmaking process with two heterotopia double flow top oxygen lances

  8. 我秘密从事的任务是除掉''双枪''

    My assignment undercover was to take off two-guns .

  9. 在他的双枪之下,即使是黑日组织的维戈们也无法幸免。

    Not even Black Sun Vigos were safe from his dual blaster pistols .

  10. 唐大爷使双枪,跑在队伍的前头。

    Tang charged at the head of the troops .

  11. 双枪小镇最初叫做峡谷旅社,其背后隐藏着一个悲伤的故事。

    The story behind Two Guns , originally called Canyon Lodge , is a sad one .

  12. 解决了双枪自动对中,大脉冲起弧等问题。

    The technique for alignments of double welding guns and the method of high pulse current arcing etc are presented .

  13. 不同气体保护的双枪自动焊工艺特点及其在汽车车轮生产中的应用

    Feature of several kinds of gas shelded double gun automatic arc welding technics and its application in the truck wheel production

  14. 就在这巨痛和吃惊之际,我的双枪响了,随即枪也从手中滑落。

    In the terrible pain and surprise of the moment , both my pistols went off and fell from my hands .

  15. 双枪喷煤过程中双煤枪水平夹角对煤粉燃烧过程的影响

    The Dual Pistols Spurts in the Coal Process the Double Coal Gun Horizontal Included Angle to the Powdered Coal Firing Process Influence

  16. 本文介绍测量绝缘介质二次电子发射系数的双枪方法,并在动态系统中进行测量。

    A two electron gun method and an arrangement whereby the secondary electron emission yield of dielectric materials can be measured are introduced .

  17. 66号公路后改道到对面的峡谷,双枪小镇也逐渐没落,辉煌日子已离它很远了。

    Route 66 was rerouted to the opposite canyon , and Two Guns slowly faded into obscurity , its golden days long behind it .

  18. 采用自行研制的高真空双枪直流电弧金属纳米粉连续制备系统,制备了纯度较高的纳米铁粉。

    The pure nanometer iron powders were prepared by self-made continuous nano-scale metal powders preparing apparatus with high vacuum and two DC Arc Plasma torches .

  19. 他装备的武器可以媲美一个军械库,包括可回收腕刃、圈套、双枪,以及其它更奇异的专业工具。

    His combat gear featured an arsenal of weaponry , including retractable wrist blades , a snare , dual blaster pistols and other more exotic tools of the trade .

  20. 这些国家实现高炉大喷煤量所采取的主要技术措施是:①采用具有更高煤粉燃烧率的新型双枪喷吹;

    In order to stabilize operation of BF with high PCI rate , following technical measures were taken : ① using new double lances with high pulverized coal combustion efficiency ;

  21. 试验和试生产及批量生产结果显示:采用双枪低真空、中压电子束焊接工艺焊接横拼双金属是有效的。

    The results of test , experimental production and mass production have shown the validity of welding procedure with twin-gun electron beam under medium-voltage and low-vacuum for the lateral-Jointed bimetal .

  22. 总体上双枪形式优于单枪,燃烧率平均提高5%~10%,其中氧煤双枪效果最佳。

    The combustion efficiency for double lances is 5 % - 10 % higher than that of single lances . The effect of oxygen - coal double lances is the best .

  23. 小镇的成功很快引起了哈里米勒(又被称为“双枪米勒”,原因未知)的注意,认为其中隐藏着巨大的财富。

    The town 's success quickly caught the attention of the entrepreneur Harry " Two Guns " Miller , who recognized the the vast amounts of wealth to be gained there .

  24. 静态混合型可在模块型和双枪型当中供选择,双枪可以随意与垂直向、向、向、向调节连用。

    Static mixer type is selectable among the block type and the twin gun and it is optional to attach é it with the vertical , lateral and backward and forward adjusting post in the twin gun .

  25. 对不同类型喷枪的煤粉燃烧率进行了热态模拟实验,发现采用交叉式氧煤双枪和双煤枪可以获得比单枪较高的燃烧率。

    The effect of different types of lances on the combustion rate of pulverized coal was researched in laboratory . The results show that the oxygen and coal double lances or the two coal double lances could obtain a higher combustion rate than any type of single lance .