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shuāng zǐ xīng zuò
  • Gemini
双子星座[shuāng zǐ xīng zuò]
  1. 那边是双号座位入口。双子星座号飞船

    That entrance over there is for even numbers . Gemini spacecraft

  2. 双子星座号飞船如果你生日属于宝瓶座、双子座或室女座,星期三是你的幸运日。

    Gemini spacecraft If your birth date is in the sign of Aquarius , Gemini , or Virgo , Wednesday is your lucky day .

  3. 建筑领域中的符号学游记领域中的双子星座

    Semiology of architecture field Dual - star in Area of Travel Notes

  4. 双子星座诗歌艺术特色的比较分析

    The Distinguishing Features of the Poems Written by " Double Stars "

  5. 双子星座号飞船双子座的人有双重个性。

    Gemini spacecraft People born under the sign of Gemini have two sides .

  6. 游记领域中的双子星座

    Dual - star in Area of Travel Notes

  7. 新型含萘酰亚胺端基的三苯胺类星状分子的合成及光电性能研究双子星座后体处于分离状态。

    Synthesis and Photo-Electro Properties of Novel Star-Shaped Molecules of Triphenylamine with Terminal Groups of Naphthalimide ;

  8. 双子星座的太空囊象一辆小型外国汽车前座那么宽阔。

    The Gemini was about as roomy as the front seat of a small foreign car .

  9. 波吕丢刻斯和卡斯托耳的统称,在特洛伊战争中被宙斯变成双子星座。

    Castor and Pollox who were transformed by Zeus into the constellation Gemini in the Trojan War .

  10. 美朱指着的那片天空正是双子星座和巨蟹星座。

    The area that Miaka pointed to was the region where the constellations of cancer and Gemini shone .

  11. 试析王安忆的双子星座小说&对长篇小说《富萍》与《长恨歌》的对照评析

    Try Analyzing Novels of a Pair of Sub Constellations of Wang Anyi 's & Contrast evaluation and analysis to Fuping and The song of long hate

  12. 杜牧、李商隐是晚唐诗坛上耀眼的双子星座,他们的咏史诗创作在这一诗歌题材的发展过程中具有相当重要的推动作用。

    Du Mu and Li Shangyin are two famous poets in Tang Dynasty , Their Yong Shi poems have important effect on the development of this kind of poem theme .