
  • 网络commensurability;commensurable
  1. 从数据中的可公度性可抽提出并非偶然的信号。

    From commensurability of numerical data may be abstracted non-accidental signals .

  2. 可公度性表示自然界事物之间的一种秩序。

    The commensurability indicates a certain order existing in natural phenomena .

  3. 在方化矩形中,组成矩形的各个正方形有可公度的边。

    The constituent squares in a squared rectangle have commensurable sides .

  4. 对南黄海地区1846年以来MS≥6强震活动的可公度性进行了分析。

    Commensurable characteristics of activity of M S ≥ 6 earthquakes in the southern Yellow Sea area since 1846 are analysed .

  5. 太湖流域洪水的周期信息图及其可公度性法预测

    Flood Periodic Information Map and Commensurability Prediction for Taihu Lake Basin

  6. 水文灾变事件的一种可公度信息预测方法初探

    Study on a Method Of Commensurable Information Forecasting of Hydrologic Disastrous Events

  7. 基于可公度方法的川滇地区地震趋势研究

    Study on Earthquake Tendency in Sichuan-Yunnan Region Based on Commensurability

  8. 可公度信息系在强震预报中的应用

    Application of Commensurability Information System in the Earthquake Prediction

  9. 两类可公度式的研究及应用

    Investigation and Application of Two Types of Commensurable Formulae

  10. 干支60周期及可公度性与江苏&南黄海地区地震预测

    Gan Zhi 60 cycle and commensurability to earthquake prediction in Jiangsu-South Yellow Sea region

  11. 基于可公度性的厄尔尼诺事件预报

    Forecast of El Nino event based on commensurability

  12. 本文主要通过对不可公度性、不可兼容性以及一种普遍的最低限度的道德模式的分析说明,来为沃尔泽进行辩护。

    This part defenses for Walzer through incommensurability , incompatibility and minimal moral model .

  13. 多目标的不可公度性及其综合评价方法

    The different units of multiple objectives and their comprehensive judging methods in multi-objective decision-making

  14. 可公度信息预报方法用于洪水灾害的试验研究

    A Testing Research on A Commensurable Information Forecast Method Applied to Disastrous Flood Series

  15. 可公度性是周期性的扩张。

    Commensurability is an extension of periodicity .

  16. 可公度性可用于地球物理现象的长期预测。

    Commensurability can be used geophysical phenomena .

  17. 如果两者存在高度的相似之处,则可以不需公告。可公度根,可通约根

    Notification may not be required if a high degree of similarity exists . commensurable root

  18. 不可公度性观点是库恩的最重要的思想之一。

    The incommensurability thesis is one of the most important claims in Kuhns philosophy of science .

  19. 登陆台风的可公度性

    Commensurability of Land in g Typhoons

  20. 论评价指标值的可公度性处理

    Commensuration for the evaluation index value

  21. 长江、黄河流域洪涝灾害的可公度性分析及灾害趋势研究

    Flood waterlogging disaster of commensurability analyse in Yangtse and Yellow River drainage area and disaster tendency study

  22. 淮河上游洪水灾害可公度信息系预测

    A forecast of flood disaster in the upper reaches of the Huaihe River with commensurability information system

  23. 同时应用可公度模型和带头地震的异年倍九法联合对本区中强震发震时间进行分析预测。

    By applying commensurable model and the leading earthquake , analysis and prediction have been made in detail .

  24. 汾渭地震带Ms≥6级地震的可公度特征初探及中强地震节律分析

    Approach on the commensurable character of m_s ≥ 6 earthquake on FEN-WEI seismic zone and the rhythm of moderate shocks

  25. 多元论以价值的不可公度性为前提,在诸多价值之间试图寻求一条价值调和的道路。

    Regarding the incommensurability of value as the premise , pluralism attempts to find a path of balancing values among various values .

  26. 用灰色系统理论、可公度性理论对东北≥7级深震作了估计。

    This paper estimated the deep seismicity with M ≥ 7 in Northeast China using the grey system theory and commensurability theory .

  27. 研究了仓储物资管理评估中关键性事件的处理方法和评估指标的可公度性处理方法两方面的问题。

    This paper studied two problems of evaluation about storage materials management : disposal method for pivotal affair and commensurability methods for evaluation index .

  28. 可公度信息系是一种源于天文学的预测方法,其实质是寻求事物发生的经验关系。

    Commensurability information system is a forecasting method originated from astronomy , of which the substance is finding the empirical relations of thing 's occurrence .

  29. 汾渭地震带Ms≥6级地震在时间上具有可公度性,可公度值为4.09年。

    The Ms ° 6 . 0 earthquake on Fen-Wei seismic zone is of commensurability in time series . The commensurable value is equal to 4 . 09 years .

  30. 地震的可公度性能表述这种韵律特征,特别在活动期内,利用可公度计算预报6~7级的地震应是一种较好的方法。

    Commensurability of earthquake can express the rhythm features , which is a fairly good method that used to predict M6 7 earthquakes , especially during the period of seismicity .