
kě jì suàn xìng
  • computability;calculability
可计算性[kě jì suàn xìng]
  1. 可计算性、复杂性和语言》,清华大学出版社,北京,1989

    Matin D. Davis , Computability , Complexity , and Languages , Academic Press , 1983 . 《

  2. 本课程比18.400J[自动机,可计算性和复杂性]涉及面更广、更理论化

    A more extensive and theoretical treatment of the material in 18.400J , Automata , Computability , and Complexity computabilitytheory .

  3. 本系列文章应用形式语言及自动机理论技术,系统地探讨了DNA分子的可计算性及其计算能力。

    The series papers systematically discuss the computability and the computational capacity of DNA molecular using the formal language and automata theory .

  4. 作为一种Ontology描述语言,需要具有丰富的语义表达能力、精确的语义表述性能和有效的可计算性。

    As a Web Ontology Language , OWL needs increased expressive power , precisely defined semantics and efficiently computational ability .

  5. 提出了Riemann积分的可计算性概念,证明了Riemann积分是可计算的当且仅当积分域可以度量化。

    The concept of computability of Riemann integrals is proposed and it is proved that Riemann integrals are computable if and only if the spaces are metrizable .

  6. 根据递归可计算性理论,提出偶数Goldbach猜想计算机可解命题。

    Based on the theory of recursive computability , the proposition of computer solvable on even Goldbach conjecture is proposed .

  7. 经典逻辑的真的概念就相当于CL2中的可计算性的概念。

    The concept of truth in classical logic is similar to validity in computability logic .

  8. 基于LSA的检索模型与其它基于概念词典或概念网络的检索模型相比,具有可计算性强、需要人的参与少等优点。

    Compared with other retrieval models , such as concept library based or concept network , LSA-based retrieval model is easy to compute and requires less human intervention .

  9. 本文推导出了多输入多输出(MIMO)闭环数字控制系统的扩展状态模型,并讨论了此模型的可计算性、可解性与系数矩阵之间的关系;

    In this paper the expanded state model for multi-input multi - output ( MIMO ) closed-loop digital control systems is developed , and the relation between the computability , solvability of the model and its coefficient matrixes is also considered .

  10. 以可计算性逻辑的完备子集CL4为基础进行知识表示,将知识分为简单知识与一般知识。

    Based on the sound and complete subset CL4 of computability logic , knowledge representation is discussed by dividing knowledge into elementary and general ones .

  11. 研究HNC概念表达式的形式化定义,旨在为语料库的自动语义标注建立语义知识表示体系,实现语义标注附码的形式化,实现语义的可计算性。

    The study of formalized definition of HNC concept expression aims at building a system of word semantic knowledge for automatic semantic annotation so that the formalization of semantic annotation symbols and calculability of the meaning of words can be realized .

  12. 传统的可计算性理论以图灵机为基础模型。

    The traditional theory of computability is based on Turing machines .

  13. 一类三阶微分算子自伴域的解析描述几个偏微分方程解算子的图灵可计算性

    Analytic Descriptions of a Class Three-order Differential Operators ' Self-adjoint Domains

  14. 这些研究增强了语言处理的可计算性。

    All these researches improve the computability of the language processing .

  15. 这包括可计算性理论,计算复杂性理论,信息理论。

    This includes computability theory , computational complexity theory , and information theory .

  16. 这一事实使它们非常适合于理论研究的可计算性问题。

    This fact makes them very suitable for theoretical investigations of computability questions .

  17. 会话交流的可计算性:从认知、逻辑的观点看

    Conversation as Computation & from Recognition and Logic

  18. 我国省级区域产业结构变化的可计算性一般均衡模型

    A CGE Model for Chinese Provincial Structural Change

  19. 基于可计算性逻辑的知识表示与推理

    Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Based on Computability Logic

  20. 所获结果虽然失去了必要性,但却获得了可计算性。

    Although the necessity of the result was lost , the calculability was achieved .

  21. 交互可计算性和拓扑方法的研究

    Research on Interactive Computability and Its Topological Approaches

  22. 从可计算性理论的角度来看,静态缺陷检测是一个不可判定问题。

    From the perspective of computability theory , static analysis is a computationally undecidable problem .

  23. 经济发展的可计算性要求与现代会计责任

    Study on the interrelationship between the need of calculability for economy development and modern accounting duty

  24. 为了获得明确的结果,本文将视角建基于“可计算性”这一坚实的数学概念之上;

    In order to derive explicit results , this paper bases its view on the substantial mathematical concept of computability .

  25. 下面的表格指出了在可计算性和复杂性理论应当考虑的一些种类的问题。

    The following table shows some of the classes of problems that are considered in computability theory and complexity theory .

  26. 它是可计算性的形式理论,正如经典逻辑是真理的形式理论。

    It is a formal theory of computability in the same sense as classical logic is a formal theory of truth .

  27. 子区域的选择主要依靠区域形状的可计算性以及问题的物理背景。

    The selection of sub-domains may be based on considerations of available computing region shape and physical background of the problems .

  28. 这从理论上说明了基于“不可计算性”的密码系统的可行性,并为此给出了一个设想方案。

    Therefore , the cryptosystem which based on the uncomputability is feasible , and an idea of such cryptosystem was proposed .

  29. 交互可计算性理论的问题归结为一点,就是研究交互式系统和交互机制的计算能力。

    In one word , the task of interactive computability theory is to determine the computing capability of interactive systems and interaction mechanisms .

  30. 自动机理论是算法描述和分析,计算复杂性理论,可计算性等研究的基础,它为计算理论提供了可靠的数学模型。

    Automata theory is the basic of research of algorithm description and analysis , the theory of computation complexity , and computability , etc.