
kě mǎn zú xìng
  • satisfiability
可满足性[kě mǎn zú xìng]
  1. 提出了两个用于求解可满足性(SAT)问题的启发式策略。

    Two heuristic strategies for solving satisfiability ( SAT ) problem were presented .

  2. 可满足性(SAT)问题的概率研究

    A Probabilistic Study on the Satisfiability Problem

  3. 可满足性问题的三维DNA图结构算法

    Three Dimensional DNA Graph Structure Algorithm of SAT Problem

  4. 目前,Web服务组合的研究主要集中于需求的可满足性,主要从功能角度进行研究,在服务行为方面考虑较少。

    At present , the Web service composition research focuses on demand . It thinks about the function perspective more than the service behavior perspective .

  5. 可满足性问题(SAT)是当代理论计算机科学的核心问题。

    Satisfiability ( SAT ) problem has been the core problem of research on computational theory .

  6. 基于信息需求层次理论的PIE可满足性分析

    PIE Satisfiability Analysis Based on the Theory of Information Needs Level

  7. 首先将图的独立集问题转化为可满足性问题,然后利用本文改进的粘贴模型给出了图的最大独立集的DNA算法。

    In this paper , the model was modified again and a modified DNA sticker model for maximum independent set of graph was built .

  8. 然后,将改进的社会认知优化算法应用于求解SAT问题。命题逻辑中合取范式(CNF)的可满足性问题(SAT问题)是当代理论计算机科学的核心问题,是一典型的NP完全问题。

    And then , the improved SCO is applied to solve the SAT problem .

  9. 合取范式可满足性问题(简称SAT问题)是一个NP完全问题。

    The satisfiability problem of conjunction normal form ( abbreviate SAT problem ) is an NP_complete problem .

  10. 可满足性问题(SAT)研究如何判定一个任意给定的逻辑表达式是否存在可满足真值指派。

    We study satisfiability problem to decide that whether there exists a truth assignment which can satisfy a given logical expression .

  11. 经典逻辑中的SAT问题是指布尔表达式的可满足性问题,它是计算机科学中的核心问题。

    SAT problem in classical logic means the satisfiability problem of boolean formulas . it is an essential problem of computer science .

  12. 此外,还提出了xml文档的语义有效性和xml文档的推理问题,并把它们规约到描述逻辑语言∑ΗΟΙΝ(?)的知识库不可满足性问题。

    The semantic validity and entailment problem of XML documents are further provided and they are reduced to the knowledge base unsatisfiability problem in description logic language ΣΗΟΙΝ(?) .

  13. 求解SAT问题的经典算法是求解可满足性问题的经典算法是完备性算法和局部搜索算法(localsearch)。

    Solves the SAT problem the classical algorithm is the solution may the satisfying question classical algorithm be the complete algorithm and the local search algorithm ( Local Search ) .

  14. 布尔可满足性是计算机科学中最基础的问题之一,已经出现了包括著名的基于查找的SAT算法在内的各种算法。

    The Boolean Satisfiability is one of the most fundamental problems in computer science and a variety of algorithms-including the well-known search-based SAT algorithms-have been proposed .

  15. 当解释的论域是一个固定大小的有限集合时,一阶逻辑公式的可满足性问题可以等价地归约为SAT问题。

    When the domain of interpretation is finite and its size is a fixed positive integer , the satisfiability problem in the first-order logic can be reduced to SAT.

  16. RTL验证中的混合可满足性求解

    Hybrid Satisfiability Solving for RTL Verification

  17. 本文给出了表的等价性判定的一些结果:三元可满足性问题、表达式的NP完全性、表的NP完全性,还给出了函数依赖对表的影响、强等价性的复杂性的一些讨论。

    In this paper , several results of table equivalence decision are given : 3-satisfiability problem , expression NP-completeness , and table NP-completeness .

  18. 可满足性问题(SAT问题)在数理逻辑、人工智能、机器学习、约束满足问题、VLSI集成电路设计与检测以及计算机科学理论等领域具有广阔的应用背景。

    The satisfiable ( SAT ) problem plays an important role in artificial intelligence , machine learning , mathematical logic , VLSI design and detection other areas .

  19. 随机k-SAT公式不可满足性VS最小k-击中集

    The unsatisfiability of random K-SAT formula vs minimal k-hitting set

  20. 通过给出具体的确定型图林机,证明了SBE的可满足性(SAT)问题在多项式时间内可解。

    It is proved that the SEE ' satisfiability is solvable in the polynomial time by means of giving a concrete deterministic Turing Machine .

  21. 在形式验证和ATPG中的布尔可满足性问题

    Formal Verification and ATPG Using Boolean Satisfiability Problems

  22. 可满足性(SAT)问题一直是电子设计自动化和人工智能领域的一个热点研究问题,因为它在这些领域有着非常广泛的应用。

    SAT problem was studied a lot in the area of the Electronic Design Automation ( EDA ), as well as in Artificial Intelligence ( AI ), because it has been widely used .

  23. 它有效地结合了基于布尔可满足性、BDD和结构等方法各自的优点,可以有效地解决局部信号赋值之间的关联性。

    This heuristics dovetail the respective strengths of BDD and SAT and circuit structure based methods to solve local signal correlations .

  24. 基于布尔可满足性的组合电路ATPG算法

    Combination Test Generation Based on Boolean Satisfiability

  25. 可满足性问题是六个基本的NP完全问题之一,其他NP完全问题均可在多项式时间内转换为可满足性问题。

    The Satisfiability problem ( SAT ) is one of the six basic NP-complete problems . Other NP-complete problems could be transformed into the Satisfiability problem in polynomial time .

  26. 文中提到的一致性检查包括三个步骤EXPRESS模型形式化,限制满足性问题(CSP)从形式化模型中的抽取和CSP的可满足性测试。

    This paper describes the checking procedure , including EXPRESS model formalization , constraint satisfaction problem ( CSP ) derivation from the formalized model and satisfaction checking of the derived CSPs .

  27. 可达性等价于状态方程可满足性的两个Petri-Nets子类

    Two Subclasses of Petri-Nets with Equivalence of Reachability and State Equation Satisfiability

  28. 因此,在上述思想的基础上,先列出该范式中所包含的全部变量,然后在每个子句中加入该子句所没有的变量,使之成为含有n个变量的k-可满足性问题。

    Therefore , in the ideological basis , make a list for all variables in this paradigm , then add each clause with variables which it does not originally contain , and make it become k-satisfiability problem that contains n variables .

  29. 讨论了如何利用遗传算法求解布尔表达式的可满足性问题,并给出该结果对求解其他NP完全问题时的应用。

    How to solve the Boolean Satisfiability Problem ( SAT ) by genetic algorithms is discussed . The applications of the results for other NP Complete problems are also shown .

  30. 研究了在Alloy中表达职责分离约束、用户资质约束和执行风险约束的方法,并讨论了验证这些约束的可满足性、分析与安全需求相匹配程度的方法。

    We study the method of expressing separation of duty constraint 、 qualification constraint of users and enforcement risk constraint in Alloy , discuss the methods of verifying the satisfiability of these constraints and analyzing the degree at which security constraints match security requirement .