
  • 网络possible-world semantics;possible world semantics
  1. 可传递性公式KaKbp→Kap在可能世界语义学上的模糊性,也表明了这一点。

    This is also shown by the vagueness of KaKbp → Kap in possible world semantics .

  2. 情境语义学对外延模型论和可能世界语义学的批判

    Criticisms of Situation Semantics on the Extensional Model Theory and the Possible World Semantics

  3. 这个问题起源于我们用可能世界语义学对dere模态的解释。

    This problem originated when we interpret de re modal with the possible worlds semantics .

  4. 第二,认知逻辑理论所采用的可能世界语义学方法不能对认知语句做出合乎情理的解释。

    Secondly , the semantic method of possible world adopted by epistemic logic can not interpret epistemic sentences properly .

  5. 然而,尽管可能世界语义学能让我们更直观地理解模态逻辑表达式,但是依然衍生出许多问题。

    However , though the Possible World Semantics makes us understanding of modal expressions more intuitively , many problems emerge still .

  6. 建立模型是对认知表达式进行逻辑语义分析的前提,可能世界语义学为此提供了有效工具。

    To establish a model is the precondition to the logical and semantic analysis of epistemic expressions and the theory of possible world semantics provides an effective tool for this .

  7. 因此,给出关于范畴位置移动的结构公设,构成特定的范畴类型逻辑系统,即多样模态逻辑,并给该系统的可能世界语义学的可通达关系确立相应的限制条件。

    Hence we propose a kind of structure postulates about the movement of categorical positions , and form a particular Categorical Type Logic-Multi-Modal Logic with constrains on accessible relations in possible world semantics .

  8. 现代逻辑研究中,可能世界语义学不仅揭示了模态逻辑公理系统的直观背景,而且提供了强有力的语义工具,使模态逻辑的研究进入了一个崭新的阶段。

    In the research of modem logic , the semantics of possible worlds not only reveals the background of modal logic theory , but also becomes an important tool of the study of modal logic .

  9. 巴威斯等对外延模型论语义学和可能世界语义学的批判,揭示了既有逻辑语义研究的不足,促使人们对自然语言的逻辑语义问题进行更深刻的认识和反思。

    Barwise 's criticisms on the extensional model theory semantics and the possible world semantics , not only reveals the shortages of logic semantics , but also helps us to understand the logic semantics problems of natural language more profoundly .

  10. 本文通过研究可能世界语义学中的两种主要观点极端实在论和温和实在论,旨在对可能世界本体论提供新的解释,进而说明模态逻辑本体论问题。

    In this article , by studying the semantics of possible worlds in the two main perspectives of Extreme realism and Moderate realism , I seek a new interpretation of the ontological questions of the possible worlds and explain the ontological questions of the modal logic .

  11. 必然性是《命名与必然性》的理论内核,借助可能世界,克里普克对必然性进行了语义分析,从而创立了可能世界语义学。

    Kripke gives a semantical analysis to necessity , and establishes semantics of possible world .