
  • 网络soluble anode
  1. 可溶性阳极快速刷镀Fe-P合金的研究

    Study of Fe-P alloy brush plating using soluble anode

  2. 实验研究了可溶性阳极材料、电流密度、废水的pH、电导率和电解时间等因素对废水浊度及COD去除率的影响,并确定了最佳工作条件。

    The factors influences on removal efficiencies of turbidity and COD , such as soluble anode substances , current density , pH of wastewater , conductivity and electrolytic time had been investigated .

  3. 可溶性阳极电刷镀纳米晶Ni-Fe合金镀层的退火再强化

    Annealing hardening of nanocrystalline Ni-Fe alloy coatings synthesized by brush plating using soluble anode

  4. 通过正交试验,分别确立了可溶性阳极与形稳阳极(DSA)法对染料废水进行脱色降解的优化工艺。

    By orthogonal experiments , the optimum conditions of electrochemical techniques both for the soluble anodes and dimensionally stable anodes ( DSA ) had been obtained .

  5. 分析了利用可溶性阳极刷镀Ni-Fe合金,镀液主要成分对刷镀工艺及刷镀层性能(镀层形貌、裂纹分布、韧性、硬度等)的影响。

    The effects of the main ingredients on the brush-plating process and the coating quality ( coating morphology , crack distribution , toughness , hardness , etc. ) when dissoluble anode is used in Ni-Fe alloy brush plating are analyzed .

  6. 可溶性阳极快速镍电刷镀工艺的优化

    Process Optimization of Rapid Brush Nickel Plating Solution with Soluble Anode

  7. 用可溶性阳极刷镀技术快速修复钻机配件

    Rapid renovation of rig accessories by soluble anode brush plating

  8. 可溶性阳极的不均匀溶出及防治

    Non - uniform electrodissolution of soluble anode and its prevention

  9. 本文详细阐述了电镀中的阳极,包括可溶性阳极及不溶性阳极。

    Anodes , including dissolvable and indissolvable ones , are stated in detail .

  10. 使用可溶性阳极的镍铁合金刷镀工艺

    Ni-Fe Alloy Brush Plating Using soluble Anode

  11. 介绍了一种应用可溶性阳极的自补偿超快镍电刷镀液。

    An ultra-fast nickel brush plating bath in which nickel ions is automatically replenished with soluble nickel anode is described .

  12. 本文研究了电刷镀铁镀液存在的主要问题,可溶性阳极和不溶性阳极对电刷镀铁不同类型镀液氧化的影响及原因。

    The major problems of brush plating bath and the effect of soluble and non-soluble positive pole on various brush plating baths in iron plating are discussed .

  13. 研究了酸性硫酸盐电镀锌铁体系中不溶性阳极,可溶性阳极对镀液中Zn2+、Fe2+浓度的影响及镀层中成分的影响。

    Variations of concentrations of the two parent metals and of the composition of the alloy coating are studied in sulfate bath by employing the insoluble anodes and soluble ones .

  14. 近7年的应用实践表明,采用可溶性阳极刷镀技术修复钻机配件,不仅能解决其它方法不易解决的难题,而且能缩短修理周期,降低修理成本,取得较大的经济效益。

    Application shows that by using the soluble anode brush plating , the period of renovation can be shortened , cost of renovation can be reduced , and good financial profits can be achieved .

  15. 但是,因其电化学过程中可溶性铝或铁阳极的钝化现象而限制了其高效低能耗应用。

    However , Its high efficiency and low energy cost appli ˉ cation is limited as the dissoluble aluminium exits and the iron anode is passivated in the course of electrochemistry .