
  • 网络reproducibility;GR&R;re-appearable
  1. 除了纱线生产中质量和经济效益的提高以外,已确定的最优生产条件的可再现性变得越来越重要。

    Apart from the increase of quality and economic efficiency in yarn production , the reproducibility of established optimal manufacturing conditions becomes more and more important .

  2. 在实现了苎麻和棉纤维全自动识别系统后,对系统的有效性,稳定性和可再现性进行了分析和测试。

    After the automatic identification system was realized , we analyzed and tested validity , stability and reproducibility of the system .

  3. 但是主观评价透明性、可再现性差,客观方法又缺乏理论基础,主客观结合赋权法也往往不注重理论。

    But subjective evaluation has poor transparency and reappearance , objective method lacks of theoretical foundation , subjective and objective Weight tends to pay no attention to theory .

  4. 自收敛法在进行两两比较上提供了有效的武器&方差的大小不同,如果以此为基础,则也可以解决层次分析法含有主观色彩,评价过程的透明性、可再现性差的弱点。

    With the ' unique weapons ' & covariance matrix different size , we may get a solution to contain subjective color , transparency in the evaluation process , to the reappearance of poor weaknesses .

  5. 这种局限性和不可再现性表现在民事诉讼中,就常常引起对于有些事实,在之后的民事裁判中,我们既无法证明其有也无法证明其无,即事实陷于真伪不明。

    This limitation and non-reproducibility is expressed in civil proceedings often cause that , for some of the facts we can both not prove they are real or not in the subsequent civil jurisdictions , namely the authenticity of the things are unknown .

  6. 大约55%的AL患者可检测到再现性染色体异常,其中最常见的是染色体易位。

    Recurrent chromosome aberrations can be detected in about 55 % AL patients , among which translocation is one of the most frequent .

  7. 数学思维按其智力品质可分为再现性思维和创造性思维两种。在数学教学中,培养学生数学创造思维的策略主要有:让数学创造进入课堂,激发学生数学创新思维的动机;

    Innovative thinking of mathematics in a basis of intelligence quality can be divided into reproductive thinking and creative thinking .