
mó cā diàn
  • triboelectricity;frictional electricity
  1. 上述物理方法应用于自动加料系统中,消除奥克托金(HMX)粉料中的摩擦电,消电率达90%。

    When this physical method is applied to the automatic feeding system for HMX powder , about 90 % static charge on HMX powder can be eliminated .

  2. 煤与矿物质的摩擦电选分离试验研究

    Research of Coal and Minerals Friction Electrical Separating Experiment

  3. 微粉煤摩擦电选脱硫降灰试验研究

    Research and Experiment on Sulfur Removal and Ash Reduction of Ultra-Fine Coal by Triboelectric Benefication

  4. 含粘合剂的摩擦电接触材料性能研究

    Properties of Electric Friction Materials with Resins

  5. 摩擦电喷枪、涂料展位、聚合室、换热装置、振动筛和交通运输系统。

    Triboelectric spray guns , coating booths , polymerization chambers , recuperative installations , vibrating screens , and transport systems .

  6. 选煤废物(煤泥)的燃用特性研究微粉煤摩擦电选脱硫降灰试验研究

    FLAMMABILITY TESTING OF SLIME FORMING COAL FROM COAL DRESSING PLANT Research and Experiment on Sulfur Removal and Ash Reduction of Ultra-Fine Coal by Triboelectric Benefication

  7. 矿粒在振动式摩擦电选机中运动轨迹的研究与分析深立井小型摩擦轮提升机电动机的选型

    Research and Analysis on Trajectories of Mineral Particles in the Vibratory Tribo Electrostatic Separator Motor Selection of Small Friction Pulley Hoist for Deep Mining Shaft

  8. 文章对摩擦电选机操作参数对分选效果的影响进行了大量的试验研究。

    Description is given in the paper of a large amount of test and research works carried on effect of operation parameters of Triboelectric ultra-fine coal separator on separation performance .

  9. 采用摩擦电选,通过适当调节风量、电压参数,可以将喷吹用煤灰分降到8%,精煤产率达到87.57%。

    The ash content of coal can be dropped to 8 % and the yield of beneficiated coal can be reached up to 87.57 % by adjusting the voltage and blast volume properly .

  10. 噪音可分为交流电源产生的嗡嗡声、电器开关弹开声、塑胶磁带咔哒声、台间无线电噪音、调制磁带时的噪音、摩擦电效应噪音等几个不同的组。

    Subsets of noise are AC power-related hum and buzz , electronic crackling , vinyl record clicks and pops , between-station radio noises , tape modulation noise , and the triboelectric cable effect .

  11. 摩擦喷射电沉积制备Ni-Al2O3纳米复合镀层

    Ni-Al_2O_3 nano-composite coatings prepared by friction and spray electrodeposition

  12. 采用摩擦喷射电沉积工艺制备了纳米Al2O3镍基复合镀层,观察了镀层的表面形貌,测试了镀层的显微硬度,并考察了镀层在不同载荷下的摩擦行为,并初步探讨了其磨损机制。

    Ni - ( nano-Al_2O_3 ) composite coatings were prepared by Friction & Spay plating . Surface morphologies were observed , micro hardness was tested , wear behavior was investigated , and worn mechanism was discussed .

  13. 所以我说针刺摩擦生电还处在假说阶段。

    So I said acupuncture friction-generated hypothesis is still in the stage .

  14. 备有自摩擦和电加热等多种加热方式。

    It has self-friction heating and electric heating modes and many others .

  15. 热混具有自摩擦或电加热及蒸汽加热功能。

    Its heating mixing has self-friction , electric heating .

  16. 摩擦焊机电液比例闭环控制系统的研究

    Research on the Closed-loop Electro Hydraulic Proportional Control System of Friction Welding Machine

  17. 摩擦焊机电液比例减压施力系统压力特性分析

    Analysis of Pressure Characteristics of Electro-hydraulic Proportional Pressure Reduction System of a Friction Welding Machine

  18. 现代轨道交通摩擦集电材料及相关载流摩擦磨损研究进展

    Research and Development of Sliding-collecting-current Materials in Modern Railway Transportation and Related Current-carrier Friction Abrasion

  19. 对静电实验中常见的漏电现象、绝缘材料的选取、摩擦起电等问题进行了探讨。

    Leak , choosing insulator and triboelectrification , which are usual in electrostatic experiments , are discussed .

  20. 采用摩擦起电电压法和电荷面密度法,对其进行了抗静电性能测试。

    Their antistatic performances were determined using methods of electrification voltage by friction and surface density of charge .

  21. 那就是摩擦生电原理。当两面摩擦时,电子从一面传到另一面。

    That is the triboelectric effect.As the surfaces rub together , the electrons move from one surface to the other .

  22. 声学实验和摩擦起电实验是中师物理教学中两个比较重要的演示实验。

    Acoustical experiment and the experiment of electricity produced by friction are two important experiments in the physics lesson in teachers schools .

  23. 文章讨论了摩擦荷电过程的影响因素,对荷电器内的二相流运动特性进行了分析,确定了气流输送下矿粒的动力学方程。

    This paper discusses the affecting factors of friction charge process , analyzes the two phases flow properties in friction device and ascertains the equation of mineral particles air transportation .

  24. 静电模拟实验室可以模拟危险品货场潜在的静电放电危害材料在不同因素水平组合下的摩擦起电情况。信号采集系统则负责进行波形显示和数据存储。

    The electrostatic simulating lab simulate potential electrostatic discharge material in electrification process in the condition of different elements ' combined effect , while signal-achieving system can display the waveforms and store the data .

  25. 韩国成均馆大学和澳大利亚乌龙岗大学的科学小组共同开启此研究课题,发电的布料主要靠的是摩擦生电原理,即由不同的两面互相摩擦产生电力。

    The brainchild of a team of scientists from South Korea 's Sungkyunkwan University and Australia 's University of Wollongong , the electricity producing fabric takes advantage of the Triboelectric effect ( TNG ) . Also known as friction energy it is the electricity created when two different kinds of surfaces rub against one another .

  26. 摩擦喷射复合电沉积MoS2/Ni镀层结构与性能研究

    Microstructure and Properties of MoS_2 / Ni Coating Produced by Friction & Spray Electroplating Technology

  27. 摩擦磨损对电连接器接点插拔力特性的影响

    Effect of Wear on Electrical Connector 's Insertion-withdrawal Force

  28. 摩擦焊接过程电液比例计算机闭环控制系统研制

    On the computer closed loop control system with Electron-hydraulic proportional valve during friction welding

  29. 在前面的论述中,我们假定针刺时通过摩擦可以生电。

    In front of the exposition , we assume that acupuncture can be adopted at the friction-generated .

  30. 谷物的摩擦带电的电性与其和摩擦材料的介电常数有关。

    The charge character of friction charging of grain is related with the dielectric constants of grain and frictional material .