
  • 网络Educational Engineering;educational technology
  1. 运用教育工程方法管理教育工程项目&教育工程学研究的新取向项目教学法在软件工程教学中的理论和实践

    New Orientation of Educational Engineering Research ; A Study of Theory and Practice of Project Teaching Method in " Software Engineering " Teaching

  2. 被调查的班级不仅包括预计的的外语和音乐专业,而且还包括经济学,教育学和工程学专业。

    The classes included not only foreign languages and music , as expected , but also economics , education and engineering .

  3. 职业教育发展存在以工程学为基础的设计模式和以生物学为基础的内生模式两种模式。

    There are two development models in vocational education , which are plan-based model and endogenesis-based model .