
  1. 信息技术的发展,特别是BLOG技术的不断成熟,为教师个体进行教学反思提供了一个新的平台。

    The development of information technology , in particular the Mature of blog technology , providing a new platform for teachers to reflect on individuals .

  2. 因此,开展对基于BLOG的教师个体教学反思的研究,不仅为教师提供理论上的指导,而且为教师如何应用BLOG进行教学反思提供一个生动的个案,具有深远的理论与实践意义。

    Therefore , to carry out the " The Research on teaching reflection of individual teachers based-on blog . " Not only provide teachers with the guidance of theory , aslo provide a vivid cases on how to apply blog to reflect , With far-reaching theoretical and practical significance .

  3. 但并不是任何教学反思都能促进教师的专业发展。

    But not all teaching reflections can promote teacher professional development .

  4. 中小学教师教学反思研究

    Research on the Teaching Reflection of Primary and High School Teachers

  5. 教学反思应兼顾学生与教师发展两个方面。

    Teaching reflection should consider both students and teachers ' development .

  6. 教学反思的水平整体不高,还有很大的提高空间。

    Generally the reflection level still has great room for improvement .

  7. 体育教师如何进行教学反思

    Research on How to Conduct " Teaching Review " of P.E. Teachers

  8. 生物教师所学专业影响教学反思;

    The major that the biology teachers studied influences reflection of teaching .

  9. 教学反思在高职英语课堂教学中的应用

    The Application of Teaching and Introspection in Vocational English Teaching

  10. 教师专业发展的重要途径&教学反思

    An Important Way for Teachers ' Professional Development & Reflections on Teaching

  11. 教学反思需要教师具有教学反思能力。

    The reflection of teaching demands teachers for the ability of reflection .

  12. 基于教学反思的教师实践性知识发展

    On Teachers ' Practical Knowledge Development Based on Teaching Reflection

  13. 第五,进行实效性的教学反思。

    Fifth , carries on the effectiveness of teaching reflection .

  14. 论教学反思及教师反思能力的培养

    The Reflection of Teaching and the Cultivation of Teachers ' Reflective Ability

  15. 提高大学英语教师的教学反思能力,促进教师进行教学反思;

    Secondly , improve teacher 's capability for reflection on teaching and research .

  16. 促进数学教师教学反思和决策调整;

    It could promote teacher to reconsidering their teaching and the adjusting teaching-policy ;

  17. 教学反思:概念、意义及其途径

    Teaching Reflection : Concept , Meaning and Approach

  18. 通识教育与物理教师素质的提高普通中学物理教师教学反思现状调查

    The Investigation of Present Situation on Teaching Reflection of Ordinary Middle School Physical Teacher

  19. 国外教学反思内涵研究述评

    Review of Overseas Studies of Reflective Pedagogical Thinking

  20. 从课堂观摩到教学反思&关于教师继续教育评价的构想

    From Class Show to Reflection on Teaching Conception of Teachers ' Continuing Education Evaluation

  21. 教学反思各因素之间是相互联系相互作用的。

    The factors of reflection on teaching are interrelated and interact with one another .

  22. 论教师教学反思的意义及策略

    The Significance and Tactics of Reflection on Teaching

  23. 高职高专大学英语教学反思&一道翻译练习题引发的思考

    Reflection on English Teaching in Higher Vocational College & Thought by a Translation Exercise

  24. 留学生全英文工程制图教学反思

    Reflection on the English Teaching of " Engineering Graphics " to the Foreign Students

  25. 兰州市中学生物教师教学反思现状调查研究

    Research on the Reflection of Teaching of High School Biology Teachers in Lanzhou City

  26. 信息时代的教学反思

    Reflections on Classroom Teaching in the Information Age

  27. 作为一名语文教师,更应该不断地进行教学反思。

    As a teacher of Chinese , we should constantly reflect on teaching as well .

  28. 教学反思与提高高校教师教学水平

    The Teaching Rethink and Improving Teaching Level

  29. 中小学教师教学反思对教学能力的促进

    The Reflective Teaching and the Facilitation of Teaching Expertise for Primary and Middle School Teachers

  30. 第四部分:提高教师教学反思能力的建议。

    The fourth part is to propose the strategies and suggestions to improve teaching ability .