
  1. 本论文主要探索在现行初中英语课堂教学中开展小组合作教学的可行性。

    This thesis aims at probing into the feasibility of applying cooperative learning in groups to the junior English class .

  2. 第二部分主要谈小组合作教学在实践中的有效实施,分别从合作教学的准备、合作学习的内容、目标和分组、合作学习的策略进行阐述。

    The second part mainly explains effective practice of group consortium teaching with preparation , content and strategy of consortium teaching .

  3. 所以,寻求构建合理而有效的小组合作教学模式,是当前教师在教学实践中必须着力解决的难题。

    So , seek to build cooperative teaching model is reasonable and effective , teachers must be the current efforts to solve the problems in teaching practice .

  4. 第四部分主要阐述小组合作教学的效果评估,从学生知识和能力、过程与方法、情感态度和价值观、学业成绩、课堂氛围方面进行评估。

    The fourth part mainly evaluates effects of group consortium learning from students ' knowledge , ability , process , methods , emotion , values , results of study , atmosphere of class .

  5. 第三部分研究小组合作教学的课型设计,包括古诗文、现代文阅读、写作、试卷讲评课的设计和应用。

    The third part studies subjects design of group consortium teaching . The design consists of ancient poetry , writing in classical Chinese , composition and design and practice of comment and appraise lessons of examination paper .

  6. 小组合作学习教学模式在新疆高校汉语教学中的运用及探索

    Application and Exploration of Team Work Teaching Mode in Teaching Chinese in Universities and Colleges of Xinjiang

  7. 根据实验前后测结果对比分析,验证了246学习小组合作学习教学模式的可行性和有效性。

    The feasibility and effectiveness of the model has been proved according to the comparison and analysis of the results before and after the experiment .

  8. 本文写作的目的在于积极探索初中思想品德课小组合作学习教学方法的实践意义,此种方法能极大提高学生自主学习、合作学习、探究学习能力,养成学生良好的学习习惯。

    Purpose of this paper is to explore moral education course in middle school group cooperative learning teaching method practical significance , this method can greatly improve students learning , cooperative learning , inquiry learning , students develop good study habits .

  9. 在经历了准备阶段的调查分析和沟通协调之后终于比较顺利的开展了五次有效的小组合作学习课堂教学实践,相信对于该地区的教育发展和教学研究有着一定的意义。

    After the survey analysis and preparation , the cooperative learning teaching practice was implemented successfully five times .

  10. 小组合作写作的教学方法目前在世界范围内被广泛应用,并已经被证明是提高写作水平的一个很有效的方法。

    Teaching method of team writing is widely used in the worldwide . And it has been proved to be a very effective method to improve the writing level .

  11. 分析了目前小组合作学习课堂教学模式在高中课堂的运用过程中存在的问题和影响有效性的因素。

    The author analyses the elements influencing the effect of cooperative learning and the existing problems and tries to put forward some practical method to improve the effects of cooperative learning in senior high school classes .

  12. 小组合作学习的教学方法不仅能激发学生学习词汇的兴趣,提高学习的效率,活跃班级的学习氛围,而且能加强学生学习词汇的能力,甚至能提高学生课后学习的能力和自觉性。

    Cooperative learning , the group learning in vocabulary teaching and learning can arouse students ' learning initiative and interest , improve their learning performance , activate the class learning atmosphere and develop their learning ability in vocabulary learning .

  13. 第三章基于小组合作的写作教学过程性评价实践,是在实践方面的过程性介绍,主要内容从实践开始前的准备工作,实践过程中具体的操作流程等。

    Chapter III based team to the writing process evaluation of teaching practice , mainly in the introduction to the process of practice , from practice before the start of preparatory work , the process of practice specific operating processes .

  14. 小组合作在商务英语教学中的尝试

    An Attempt at Implementing Group Cooperation in Business English Teaching

  15. 小组合作学习属于合作教学的一种。

    The group cooperate learning belongs to a kind of cooperate the teaching .

  16. 笔者从发展学生的多种智能角度入手,在课程的整体教学过程中,采用小组合作探究的活动教学法;

    To develop the seven intelligences of the students , the author used the group cooperation research strategy throughout the whole teaching process .

  17. 小组合作学习在课堂教学中的实施情况如何呢?本文以长沙市S中学为个案,研究了小组合作学习在其课堂教学中的实施现状。

    The research is a case study of group cooperative learning at S high school in Changsha . It studies how group cooperative learning carried out in the class teaching currently .

  18. 大部分学生认为概念图有助于物理知识的掌握和物理学业成绩的提高,与个人独立制作概念图相比较,学生更倾向于小组合作概念图的教学形式。

    The majority of the students participated in the experiments agree that concept maps helps in learning physics and improving scores of physics exams . The students prefer to make concept maps cooperatively in a group than independently .

  19. 小组合作学习的课堂教学就是要让师生之间、学生之间分享知识、方法,交流情感、提升理念,实现共识、共享和共进。

    Group cooperative learning in the classroom teaching is to make between teachers and students , students to share knowledge , methods and emotional communication , improve concept , achieving consensus , share , and hand in hand .

  20. 本文提出将小组合作方法与其他教学方法相结合,充分调动学生的积极性与学习兴趣,使教学质量不因大班的存在而下降。

    This essay points out that the rational combination of the group cooperation and other feasible teaching methods will in the largest extent stimulate students'enthusiasm and study interests to make the teaching quality not to drop because of existence of the large-scale class .

  21. 本文从小组合作学习的学习小组组建、实施程序、总结评价等方面探讨如何在初中数学课堂教学中实施小组合作学习,并就如何提高教师开展小组合作学习教学能力进行了思考。

    This article from the group cooperative learning group to set up , implementation , evaluation and explore how in the junior middle school mathematics classroom teaching in the implementation of cooperative learning groups , and how to improve the teaching ability of teachers in cooperative learning to think .