
  1. 在ZR系列柴油机基础上扩缸、改变行程、提高功率,并保持结构紧凑、质量轻的特点以匹配小型机具。

    A smaller and lighter diesel engine is developed through enlarging bore , changing displacement and improving power on the basis of ZR diesel engine series , which keeps its original characteristics of compact structure and light mass to fit with small machines .

  2. 水泥混凝土路面小型机具施工方法

    Construction method of small machines in cement concrete pavement

  3. 小型机具铺轨技术

    Small Apparatus Track - Laying Technique

  4. 这些水泥混凝土路面形状通常不规则,不适宜大规模的机械作业,一般只能用小型机具法施工。

    Solving the crack in concrete pavement slab should master key technology of small tools method , adopt construction craft and technology measures from management point and set up suitable sewing .

  5. 结合多年的教学实践,对农业机械化及其自动化专业教学内容的改革进行了一系列探索,指出结合甘肃实际、调整教学内容、增加旱地小型机具;

    Reform and Practice of Specialistic Courses on Agricultural Mechanization and its Automation In this paper , the content of courses and teaching method have been summarized on course of agricultural mechanization and its automation specialty .

  6. 自制小型铺轨机具铺设隧道宽枕轨道

    The application of self-made track laying machine in tunnel broad sleeper rail

  7. 小型配套机具优化施工在混凝土路面中的应用

    Application of Optimization Construction by a Set of Small-Scale Machines-Tools in Concrete Pavement

  8. 随着设施农业的发展,对温室大棚用小型作业机具的要求也越来越高。

    With the development of facility agriculture , the requirements for miniature working machines used in greenhouse are higher and higher .

  9. 介绍了采用小型配套机具铺筑水泥混凝土路面的施工工艺和采用滑模摊铺机的施工工艺。

    It presents the construction technology by use of the minitype matching machine and of the slipform spreading machine on cement concrete pavement .

  10. 并通过试验研究及经济效益分析,确定了适合云南土壤耕作特点并满足设施农业技术要求的小型作业机具。

    Amounts of experiment and analysis show that it is suitable for the soil condition of Yunnan and the technical condition of facility agriculture so that it is popular with farmers and easy to be extended .