
  • 网络nanofiltration;Nanofilter
  1. 在埃及,SabryCorp正在与沙漠研究所和农业与研究部合作,把纳米过滤系统商业化。

    In Egypt , SabryCorp , is working with the Desert Research Institute and the Ministries of Agriculture and Research to commercialise novel nanofiltration systems .

  2. 城市污水处理厂出水的纳米过滤浓缩液较难直接生物处理。

    The nanofiltration concentrate of effluent from municipal wastewater treatment plant was difficult to be biotreated directly .

  3. 纳米过滤技术及其在我国的发展与展望

    NF Technology and Its Development and Prospect in China

  4. 在纳米过滤领域,南非的西北大学已经建立了一个处理厂,它利用超滤膜清洁一个村庄的含盐地下水。

    In the field of nanofiltration , South Africa 's North-West University has built a treatment plant that incorporates ultrafiltration membranes to clean brackish groundwater in a ruralvillage .

  5. 介绍了新颖的膜分离过程&纳米过滤,其截留分子量为300~1000,介于超滤与反渗透之间,从而填补了膜分离过程中的一段空白,使膜分离过程更加完善。

    The nanofiltration membranes reject the substances with molecular weight about 300 ~ 1000 , and this process is between ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis , and can be applied to resource recovery and treatment of effluents .

  6. 纳米纤维作为过滤材料主要使用在:空气过滤材料、吸附过滤材料、离子交换过滤材料和抗菌过滤材料。

    Nanofiber as filtration materials mainly used in the air filter materials , adsorption filter material , ion exchange filtration materials and antibacterial filter materials .

  7. 陶瓷平板膜对纳米镍粉的过滤行为研究

    Filtration Behavior of Nano-sized Nickel Particles Using Plate Ceramic Membranes

  8. 纳米光催化剂、纳米过滤技术和纳米级的水处理剂在水处理中有着广泛的应用;纳米级的汽车尾气净化催化剂和其它纳米催化剂在大气污染控制方面有着普通材料无法比拟的优势;

    It has been widely used in nano-photocatalysts , nano-filtration and nano-scale agents for water treatment , and has advantages in comparison with ordinary materials such as catalysts applied to automobile emission purification and air pollution control .