
  • 网络Nabucco
  1. 索科说,南流管道受到欧盟拟议中的从中亚开始的纳布科天然气管道的竞争,但是纳布科计划得到的支持越来越少。

    Socor said a competing European Union proposed gas line from Central Asia called Nabucco is losing support .

  2. 现任欧盟轮值主席的捷克总理托波拉内克说,欧盟应该加倍努力修建绕过俄罗斯的纳布科管道。

    Czech Prime Minister Mirek Topolanek , whose country now holds the European Union presidency , says the EU should increase efforts to build the Nabucco pipeline , which would circumvent Russia .

  3. 一旦俄国此愿实现,则计划将把中亚与阿塞拜疆的天然气经由土耳其送抵欧洲的纳布科管道可能胎死腹中,欧洲将因为能源而变得更加依赖俄国。

    If it gets it , that may kill the planned Nabucco pipeline to carry Central Asian and Azerbaijani gas to Europe via Turkey , leaving Europe more dependent on Russia for its energy .

  4. 索科说,纳布科计划是让大部分来自土库曼斯坦的天然气,穿越土耳其抵达巴尔干地区,这一规划只有在欧盟和美国的大力支持下才能付诸实施。

    Socor said Nabucco , intended to carry mostly Turkmenistan gas across Turkey to the Balkans , will happen only if the European Union and the United States give the project high level support .