
wèi wèn
  • Condolence;salute;express sympathy and solicitude for;convey greetings to;extend one's regards to
慰问 [wèi wèn]
  • [extend one's regards to] 安慰问候

  • 慰问电

  • 慰问灾民

慰问[wèi wèn]
  1. 浙江省和台州市高层政府官员在星期日下午到台州第一人民医院看望和慰问受伤人员。

    Senior officials of the governments of Zhejiang Province and Taizhou City went to the Taizhou First People 's Hospital on Sunday afternoon to express sympathy and solicitude for the injured .

  2. 他们送了一些花表示慰问。

    They sent some flowers as a gesture of sympathy .

  3. 我对所有的亲人表示由衷的慰问。

    My heartfelt sympathy goes out to all the relatives .

  4. 那位政治家在访问地震灾区时表示了深切的慰问。

    The politician expressed his deep sympathy when he visited the quake-hit area .

  5. 全国各地纷纷打来了慰问电。

    Telegrams expressing sympathy poured in from all parts of the country .

  6. 向所有不幸感染的病患者表示慰问!

    Our sympathy goes to all the unfortunate ones infected with the coronavirus !

  7. 我们ABC公司全体人员向你致以最深切的慰问。

    All of us at ABC Company extend our deepest sympathy to you .

  8. n.安慰;慰问我的妈妈去世时,我收到许多慰问信。n.碰撞;

    consolation I got many letters of consolation when my mother died .

  9. 在CCTV“心连心”慰问演出中,哪首歌没有气势呢?

    In the CCTV " heart to heart " show sympathy , which is not imposing this song ?

  10. Harry王子对美国新泽西海岸两家社区进行了慰问,与救援人员和建筑工人握手,这两家社区由于超强风暴Sandy而受到摧毁,此次访问是Harry王子对美持续一周访问中的一项。

    Prince Harry tours two New Jersey shore communities devastated by Superstorm Sandy , shaking hands with emergency personnel and construction workers , part of a weeklong visit to the U.S.

  11. 10月26日,章鱼保罗在睡梦中安然离世,年近3岁。Facebook上它的六万多名粉丝发表了数百条慰问信息,还有人发表了一些不太沉痛的评论。

    He died peacefully in his sleep aged nearly three on October 26 , sparking hundreds of messages of condolence from his 60000-strong Facebook fan club and some less serious comments 。

  12. 印度总理辛格和执政的国民大会党主席索尼娅·甘地(SoniaGandhi)计划慰问在医院接受治疗的受害者,并对省级的安全形势进行检查。

    Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and ruling Congress Party President Sonia Gandhi plan to visit hospitalized victims and inspect heightened security .

  13. SNES(1990)带来被数字化的声音慰问比赛。

    The SNES ( 1990 ) brought digitized sound to console games .

  14. 周日,兰斯·阿姆斯特朗慰问了在德克萨斯州Austin为Livestrong慈善基金筹款的4千3百名志愿者。

    Lance Armstrong greeted about 4300 cyclists at his Livestrong charity 's fundraising bike riding in Austin , Texas Sunday .

  15. 丰田章男对一个失去了4名成员的家庭表达了慰问之情。去年,由于油门踏板被卡住,他们的雷克萨斯(Lexus)汽车在圣地亚哥附近发生了车祸。

    Mr Toyoda expressed sympathy to a family that lost four members when their Lexus crashed near San Diego last year with a jammed accelerator pedal .

  16. 印度总理纳伦德拉·莫迪(NarendraModi)在Twitter上说,对于艾扬格的死讯“深感悲伤”,并且“向他在世界各地的追随者们表示慰问”。

    Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Twitter that he was " deeply saddened " by Mr. Iyengar 's death and offered " condolences to his followers all over the world . "

  17. 据报道,今年年初,为了解大国在矿业问题上介入的可能性,非国大(anc)成立了一个独立专家小组负责对投资者及矿业公司的慰问工作。

    Investors and mining firms had drawn some comfort earlier this year from a report by an independent panel of experts set up by the ANC to look into the possibility of greater state intervention in mining .

  18. 首先飞往巴格拉姆(Bagram)空军基地逗留四个多小时的时间,慰问在阿富汗执行政府战略的军人。

    flying into Bagram Air Base for a little more than four hours to the men and women who are carrying out the administration 's stepped-up strategy in Afghanistan .

  19. 我们到医院去慰问伤员。

    We went to the hospital to cheer up the wounded .

  20. 我们也可以格外致电问候,或特别写信和慰问卡。

    It may mean extra phone calls or letters or cards .

  21. 派遣红十字会成员去慰问幸存者。

    The Red Cross had been sent to comfort the survivors .

  22. 我要下楼去慰问一下我的歌迷了。

    I 'm going to go down and greet my fans .

  23. 当我母亲去世时,我收到许多慰问信。

    I got many letters of consolation when my mother died .

  24. 愿这份唁电表达语言无法表达的慰问。

    May this express the sympathy that words could never say .

  25. 在这居丧的时刻我向您表示真诚的慰问。

    You had my deep sympathy at this time of bereavement .

  26. 非常感谢您的关心和慰问。

    Thank you so much for your kind words and consolation .

  27. 请接受我最诚挚的慰问和最美好的祝愿。

    Please accept my most sincere sympathy and best wishes .

  28. 在这悲恸的时刻,谨致诚挚的同情和深切的慰问。

    With heartfelt sympathy and understanding thoughts in this time of sadness .

  29. 他们向从战场上归来的士兵表示慰问。

    They expressed their sympathy for the returned soldiers from the battle .

  30. 对於令夫人之去世,谨向您表示最深切的慰问。

    You have my deep sympathy on the death of your wife .