
wèi wèn yǎn chū
  • special performance as an expression of gratitude or appreciation
  1. 在CCTV“心连心”慰问演出中,哪首歌没有气势呢?

    In the CCTV " heart to heart " show sympathy , which is not imposing this song ?

  2. 玛丽莲·梦露同时也是个歌手,她发行了许多单曲。她曾远渡重洋去朝鲜战场给美国大兵进行慰问演出,此事非常出名。

    She notably traveled overseas to perform and dance for thousands of soldiers fighting in the Korean War .

  3. 此外,邮报称威尔士歌手凯瑟琳詹金斯很有希望获得一枚大英帝国勋章,她以慈善活动和曾为驻伊拉克和阿富汗的英军慰问演出而令人称道。

    Welsh singer Katherine Jenkins , who is also known for her charity work and has performed for British troops in Iraq and Afghanistan , is expected to receive an OBE , according to the Mail .