
  • 网络comfort station
  1. 日本残忍地推行这两项计划,致使平民身陷屠杀、酷刑以及在厂矿和慰安所受到奴役的苦难之中。

    Both projects were pursued ruthlessly and entailed civilian massacres , torture and slavery in factories , mines and military brothels .

  2. 中川表示,没有证据表明日军直接强迫女性在所谓的“慰安所”工作。

    There was no evidence , he said , that the Japanese military directly forced women to work in so-called " comfort stations " .

  3. 在日本议会上院的一场辩论中,安倍表示他赞同1993年的官方声明,在声明中,日本承认在二战期间其帝国主义军队曾为日本士兵设立慰安所,征用慰安妇。

    Mr Abe said , during a debate in parliament 's upper house , that he stood by an official 1993 statement in which Japan acknowledged the imperial army set up and ran brothels for its troops during the war .