
wèi jiè
  • comfort;console;consolation;solaceful;refuge
慰藉 [wèi jiè]
  • [solaceful] 安慰;抚慰

  • 报以殊礼,言称字,用敌国之仪,所以慰藉之良厚。--《后汉书.隗嚣传》

  • 闭目养神,聊以慰藉

慰藉[wèi jiè]
  1. 在这样艰难的时期,能够有钱买杯酒就是种慰藉了。

    Being able to afford a drink would be a comfort in these tough times .

  2. 他欣然接受休战,但是指出,那些无法和心爱的人一起过圣诞的家庭并不会由此感到慰藉。

    He welcomed the truce , but pointed out it was of little comfort to families spending Christmas without a loved one

  3. 随着家庭情况的恶化,她越来越在工作中寻求慰藉。

    As the situation at home got worse she increasingly took refuge in her work .

  4. 她到罗布那儿寻求慰藉。

    She turned to Rob for solace .

  5. 我母亲刚去世,我从这本书中获取了不少慰藉。

    My mother had just died and I found the book very comforting

  6. 在这段阴郁的时期,遇到并爱上马丁成为她唯一的一丝慰藉。

    The one ray of sunlight in this depressing history is her meeting and falling in love with Martin .

  7. 这消息给了他们很大的慰藉。

    The news consoled them a great deal .

  8. 她给了老人很多慰藉。

    She 's a real comfort to the old man .

  9. 它像是一件礼品慰藉着心田。

    It was good for the heart , like a present .

  10. 由于人们锻炼大大减少,出于无聊或慰藉吃得又多,体重增加是不可避免的。

    With people exercising a lot less and eating more out of boredom .

  11. 行动是可以慰藉的。它是思想的敌人,是幻想的朋友

    Action is consolatory . It is the enemy of thought and the friend of flattering illusions .

  12. “安慰节目”指的是内容主题简单质朴,让人舒服或能给人慰藉的电视节目。

    Comfort TV refers to television programs with unsophisticated or homespun themes that comfort or provide solace1 .

  13. 香槟是我胜利时赢得的奖赏,失败时寻求的慰藉。——

    I drink Champagne when I win , to celebrate ; And I drink Champagne when I lose , to console myself .

  14. 沉浸在《广告狂人》(MadMen)被下线的落寞中的观众们能否从16世纪的中国传说中找到慰藉呢?

    Can viewers suffering from ' Mad Men ' withdrawal seek solace in a 16th-century Chinese fable ?

  15. 当希拉里•克林顿(HillaryClinton)把东京作为她出任国务卿后首次外交出访的第一站时,传达出同样的公开慰藉之意。

    Hillary Clinton offered the same public reassurance when she made Tokyo the first stop on her inaugural trip as secretary of state .

  16. 朴茨茅斯大学计算学院的爱丽丝-古德博士发现,使用Facebook所产生的这种自我慰藉对情绪有利。

    Dr Alice Good , from the University of Portsmouth ` s School of Computing , found this ` self-soothing ` use of Facebook is beneficial to our mood .

  17. 其是被国家机构(如AHA)倡导的的标准技术来慰藉想确定他们的孩子接受稳定、高质量的保健的父母。

    A standard technique advocated by a national organization like the AHA is reassuring to parents who want to be sure that their children are receiving consistent , high-quality care .

  18. 如果你一年里有一半时间都在世界各地的宾馆里睡觉,ESPN和探索频道熟悉的声音多少会能给你一些慰藉吧!

    When you spend half your life in hotel rooms all around the world , the familiar sounds of ESPN or the Discovery Channel can provide some small measure of comfort .

  19. 传统的幽默理论主要探讨幽默的本质,形成了三种常见的理论:乖讹论、优越论以及慰藉论(Morreall,1983:4)。

    Traditional humor theories mainly probe the nature of humor , among which , the three classical ones are : incongruity theory , superiority theory and relief theory ( Morreall , 1983:4 ) .

  20. 穆巴拉克的倒台后,由24位将军组成的武装部队最高委员会(SCAF)随之接手了权利,大部分埃及人表示喜悦和慰藉。

    When the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces ( SCAF ), a body of24 generals , assumed power in the wake of Mr Mubarak 's fall , Egyptians by and large expressed joy and relief .

  21. 来这里,我需要爱情慰藉,但你说。

    Come Here . I Need Affection , but you said .

  22. 我在这上面无意识地会感到一种温暖的慰藉。

    From that I unknowingly derive some sort of warm solace .

  23. 对许多女性来说,这些不会是慰藉之语。

    To many women these will not be words of comfort .

  24. 救治民族精神,慰藉苦难灵魂

    Treating and Curing the National Spirit and Consoling the Suffering Soul

  25. 奥巴马当然应该寻求一切可以获得的慰藉。

    The president should certainly take any solace he can get .

  26. 而且北方天王确实是应当得到我们如此的慰藉。

    And the Great Heavenly King certainly deserves our soothing efforts .

  27. 这为尘世中的人们提供了精神上的慰藉和心灵上的支持。

    This provides the people with spiritual comfort and psychological support .

  28. 她们中间的许多人上网寻求帮助和精神慰藉。

    Many go on the Internet to find help and moral relief .

  29. 你的幸福与快乐就是对逝者最大的慰藉!

    There is no Y in happiness , there is I.

  30. 她把做白日梦作为医治感情创伤的慰藉。

    She created this fantasy as a salve to her hurt feelings .