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  • 网络simplification of Chinese Characters
  1. 第一章主要介绍汉字简化的历史,重点介绍近现代汉字简化的历程。

    Chapter one is an introduction about the history of the simplification of Chinese characters , which focuses on the contemporary history of the simplification of Chinese characters .

  2. 本文旨在从汉字教学这个角度来研究汉字简化的得与失。

    This paper is designed to study the issue of the merit and the weak point in the simplification of Chinese characters from the point of view of the teaching of Chinese characters .

  3. 汉字简化的目的之一就是为了方便教学。

    One purpose of the Chinese characters simplification is for the convenience of teaching .

  4. 随着时间的推移,有些汉字简化了,有些变得复杂了。

    Some characters have been simplified and others have been made more complex over time .

  5. 以后几乎在不同历史时期都做了汉字简化工作,都产生过相应的简化字。

    In almost all the historical periods , Chinese character simplification was carried on and new simplified characters came into being .

  6. 汉字简化并不改变汉字的性质,汉字原有的优点和缺点将继续存在。汉字简化是有理据的。

    Simplification dose not change the quality of Chinese characters , so Chinese characters will not lose its advantage and disadvantage .

  7. 文章还提出减少笔画端点、结点也是汉字简化的途径之一。

    I propose one of the ways which can reduce the stroke endpoint and the node is to simplify Chinese characters .

  8. 对异体字产生的原因进行归纳总结,并概括本课题的研究对今后汉字简化和规范化的启示。

    The causes of variant forms are summarized , and summarized the researching simplified and standardization for the future implications of Chinese characters .

  9. 相反,一些研究却表明,伴随汉字简化的汉字字形改变,倒是会引起字义的混淆。

    Moreover , some studies have shown that because the simplification process , by warping the shapes of characters , can cause confusion in the meaning of characters .

  10. 《汉字简化方案》采用了个体简化和类推简化两种简化方法。民法类推适用研究

    Both methods of single simplification and simplification by analogy have been applied in the Scheme for Simplified Chinese Characters . Research on Analogy in Civil and Commercial Law

  11. 第二部分:汉字简化概说。在对简化字作出界定后,通过梳理汉字简化运动的历史进程,了解每个阶段汉字简化工作的情况及其时代背景,然后对建国以来汉字简化问题研究情况进行综述。

    The second part : After defining simplified characters , combing the historical process of Chinese simplified movement , learning the conditions and backgrounds of simplification of Chinese characters in each stage .

  12. 《第二次汉字简化方案》是1977年12月发表的,1986年6月国务院明令废止,汉字简化的这一挫折给文字的使用造成了一定的混乱。

    The Second Chinese Character Simplification Project was published in December , 1977 , and was banned by the State Department in June , 1986 , the failure of which caused certain confusion in the usage of characters .

  13. 第四章就当前汉字简化字存在的问题,提出了汉字简化字要遵循的一些原则,并对今后汉字简化提出了一些建议。

    In the basis of the problems that still have existed in the contemporary Chinese simplified characters , Chapter four puts forward some principles that the simplified Chinese characters should follow and some suggestions that Chinese characters should consult if they need further simplification in the future .

  14. 因此,汉字简化运动的成果《简化字方案》就会存在一些问题,针对这些问题,本文提出了恢复繁体字的观点,并对恢复繁体字的必要性和可行性做了分析。

    So the results of the simplified Chinese characters program " The simplified Chinese characters plan " will have some problems . Aiming at these problems , this paper puts forward the view that restores traditional Chinese characters , and analyses the necessity and possibility of the view .

  15. 汉字类推简化的考察与分析

    An Examination and Analysis of the Simplification of Chinese Characters by Analogy

  16. 汉字的简化是总的趋势。

    In the development history , the simplification is a total trend .

  17. 《简化字总表》中对汉字的简化采用了不同的方法,同音代替方法是其中的简化方法之一。

    In Simplified summary table , it uses different ways to simplify Chinese characters , The homophone replaced a character is one of the simplified methods .

  18. 有的汉字虽然都为简化字,但是由于中日两国的历史文化背景不同,所以简化的方式也有所不同。

    Although some Chinese characters are simplified characters , the simplification way is diverse as the difference between Chinese history culture background and Japanese .

  19. 汉字也是这样。汉字简化是汉字发展的必然趋势,汉字从甲骨文、金文变为篆书,再变为隶书、楷书,其总趋势就是从繁到简。

    With the development of inevitable trend of simplification , Chinese characters develop itself from inscriptions on bones or tortoise shell and inscriptions on bronze to seal character , official script of Han Dynasty , regular script .

  20. 所以汉字改革者们只把汉字简化作为一个过渡,而不是最终目标,没有对其做出长远的、承前启后的考虑。

    So the reformers of Chinese characters only regarded the campaign of simplification of characters as a transition , not a destination , so they did not make the long-term thought . As a result , there must be some flatus in this campaign which was without being much consideration .

  21. 新中国成立以来,国家对汉字进行了一系列的整理和规范,《简化字总表》是汉字简化的一项重要成果。

    Since the founding of new China , the state carried out a series of Chinese characters ' organization and norms , Simplified summary table is an important outcome in the part of simplified characters .

  22. 形近现象的产生与早期汉字的造字方法、汉字字体的演变过程和汉字的简化都有着密不可分的关系。

    The emergence of the similarity has a relationship with the building of early Chinese characters , the evolution of Chinese character fonts and the modern simplification of Chinese characters .

  23. 于是国人开始寻求另外一条道路,减省汉字的笔画,使用简体字,并在新中国成立以后进行了大规模的汉字简化运动。

    So many people began to seek another road , which is to reduce the strokes of the Chinese characters , and use the simplified Chinese characters .