- 名guilty verdict;guilty sentence;guilty decision

She listened stoically as the guilty verdict was read out .
As for the banking system , the popular jury has issued its guilty verdict long ago .
His conviction was later quashed by the Court of Appeal .
Convictions will rise steeply now photographic evidence is admissible .
The number of prosecutions has stayed static and the rate of convictions has fallen .
International Criminal Court investigations will also take time , given that the court has not won a conviction in a decade of operation .
I will asseverate my conviction that she is guilty .
These ( so far ) 14 judges have delivered the150-plus convictions .
St and ards of proof in guilty judge
Standards of proof in guilty judge is one of most talktive problem in the study of criminal evidence .
Although slightly different in the textual representation , the two standards are both lower than the evidence standard of conviction .
Therefore , it is necessary to limit the right of investigation and prohibit the use of the illegally obtained evidences by the judge .
The standard of proof on a judgment of conviction is the most important problem of the research on criminal evidence rule in China .
Detaining before examining refers to a legal stating that the freedom of the suspect or the defendant are deprived before coming into force of guilty judgments .
The two teenagers broke down in tears after the judge read the guilty verdict and later the boys apologized to the victim and to the Steubenville community .
In active criminal laws there are regulations on two sentences of " guilty " and " not guilty " which do not measure up to the judicial practice .
Last week 's guilty verdict has brought no illumination for foreign companies worried that they too could find themselves violating ill-defined Chinese secrecy laws , writes William MacNamara .
Concerns should be raised that witnesses may be encouraged to exaggerate their stories in court to guilty verdicts . And , that would be a violation of privacy .
The verdict is not likely to be announced for days or even weeks , but the vast majority of cases that reach trial in China result in a guilty verdict .
In these cases , we allow the defendant to try to prove a set of facts which if ture warrant acquittal , but if not proven will result in conviction .
A Beijing-based attorney said a guilty verdict virtually requires a company to take action to display its acknowledgment that a local court has jurisdiction , particularly after such a public case .
Though criminal standard of proof is hotly debated in the law of evidence , its viewpoint is diversified , especially in the standard of proof of present public prosecution and guilt decision .
Pending detention is refers to the court before the guilty verdict in law should be presumed innocent of the crime suspect , defendant in custody , in order to ensure the smooth conduct of criminal activity the important means .
He overturned the conviction , saying the defendant was entrapped
A guilty verdict is always possible .
She took her case to the court of appeal but the guilty verdict was upheld .
The judge 's tone was solemn as he pronounced sentence on the convicted murderer .
If the facts of a case are clear , the evidence is reliable and sufficient , and the defendant is found guilty in accordance with law , he shall be pronounced guilty accordingly ;