
yǒu zuì pàn jué
  • guilty verdict;guilty sentence;guilty decision
  1. 当有罪判决在被宣读时,她不动声色地听着。

    She listened stoically as the guilty verdict was read out .

  2. 至于银行业体系,大众陪审团很久之前就做出了有罪判决。

    As for the banking system , the popular jury has issued its guilty verdict long ago .

  3. 后来,上诉法院撤销了对他的有罪判决。

    His conviction was later quashed by the Court of Appeal .

  4. 既然照片证据可以接受,有罪判决将大幅增加。

    Convictions will rise steeply now photographic evidence is admissible .

  5. 提起诉讼的数量持平,有罪判决率下降。

    The number of prosecutions has stayed static and the rate of convictions has fallen .

  6. 鉴于国际刑事法院(InternationalCriminalCourt)运转十年仍未作出一宗有罪判决,它的调查也将会花上一段时间。

    International Criminal Court investigations will also take time , given that the court has not won a conviction in a decade of operation .

  7. 我坚持有罪判决,因为她是有罪的。

    I will asseverate my conviction that she is guilty .

  8. (目前已有的)14位法官已经作出了150多项有罪判决。

    These ( so far ) 14 judges have delivered the150-plus convictions .

  9. 有罪判决的证明标准

    St and ards of proof in guilty judge

  10. 有罪判决证明标准是我国刑事证据理论研究中争议最大的问题之一。

    Standards of proof in guilty judge is one of most talktive problem in the study of criminal evidence .

  11. 虽然在文字表述上略有不同,但都低于法院有罪判决的证明标准。

    Although slightly different in the textual representation , the two standards are both lower than the evidence standard of conviction .

  12. 因此有必要对侦查权加以限制,并禁止法官将非法取得的证据作为有罪判决的依据。

    Therefore , it is necessary to limit the right of investigation and prohibit the use of the illegally obtained evidences by the judge .

  13. 有罪判决证明标准问题是我国刑事证据规则研究的重要课题。

    The standard of proof on a judgment of conviction is the most important problem of the research on criminal evidence rule in China .

  14. 审前羁押是指在有罪判决生效前剥夺犯罪嫌疑人或被告人人身自由的一种法律状态。

    Detaining before examining refers to a legal stating that the freedom of the suspect or the defendant are deprived before coming into force of guilty judgments .

  15. 在法官宣布有罪判决后,两名少年罪犯流下了眼泪,之后这两名男孩向受害者和斯托本维尔社区道歉。

    The two teenagers broke down in tears after the judge read the guilty verdict and later the boys apologized to the victim and to the Steubenville community .

  16. 现行刑事法律仅规定有罪判决和无罪判决两种形式的判决,这是不符合诉讼实践的;

    In active criminal laws there are regulations on two sentences of " guilty " and " not guilty " which do not measure up to the judicial practice .

  17. 上周力拓案的有罪判决并没有给外国公司带来任何启示。它们担忧,可能会发现自己也违反了中国定义不明确的保密法。

    Last week 's guilty verdict has brought no illumination for foreign companies worried that they too could find themselves violating ill-defined Chinese secrecy laws , writes William MacNamara .

  18. 应当注意的是,在法庭上,面对有罪判决,目击者可能因此受到鼓励来将故事情节夸大。而且雇佣报料也可能会侵犯个人隐私。

    Concerns should be raised that witnesses may be encouraged to exaggerate their stories in court to guilty verdicts . And , that would be a violation of privacy .

  19. 判决结果可能要过几天、甚至几周才会宣布,但在中国,开庭的绝大多数案件都会做出有罪判决。

    The verdict is not likely to be announced for days or even weeks , but the vast majority of cases that reach trial in China result in a guilty verdict .

  20. 在这些案件中,我们允许被告人试图证明一系列事实,若理由正当即宣告无罪,否则将导致有罪判决。

    In these cases , we allow the defendant to try to prove a set of facts which if ture warrant acquittal , but if not proven will result in conviction .

  21. 一位驻北京的律师说,有罪判决需要公司采取行动表明自己承认这家地区法庭做出了司法裁定,在这样一起公开案件中就更是如此。

    A Beijing-based attorney said a guilty verdict virtually requires a company to take action to display its acknowledgment that a local court has jurisdiction , particularly after such a public case .

  22. 虽然,刑事证明标准在当前证据法学研究中较为热烈,但是,观点纷纭,分歧明显,尤其是在刑事诉讼过程中对提起公诉的证明标准应否与有罪判决的证明标准要求一致方面讨论得尤为激烈。

    Though criminal standard of proof is hotly debated in the law of evidence , its viewpoint is diversified , especially in the standard of proof of present public prosecution and guilt decision .

  23. 未决羁押是指在法院有罪判决生效前对法律上应视为无罪的犯罪嫌疑人、被告人予以羁押,是为了保证刑事诉讼活动顺利进行的重要手段。

    Pending detention is refers to the court before the guilty verdict in law should be presumed innocent of the crime suspect , defendant in custody , in order to ensure the smooth conduct of criminal activity the important means .

  24. 他声称被告是被诱骗的,从而推翻了有罪的判决。

    He overturned the conviction , saying the defendant was entrapped

  25. 总是有可能作出有罪的判决。

    A guilty verdict is always possible .

  26. 她把她案件呈现交给上诉法院,但是法院维持有罪的判决。

    She took her case to the court of appeal but the guilty verdict was upheld .

  27. 当法官宣布对被证明有罪的杀人犯的判决时语气很严肃。

    The judge 's tone was solemn as he pronounced sentence on the convicted murderer .

  28. 案件事实清楚,证据确实、充分,依据法律认定被告人有罪的,应当作出有罪判决;

    If the facts of a case are clear , the evidence is reliable and sufficient , and the defendant is found guilty in accordance with law , he shall be pronounced guilty accordingly ;