
  • 网络Limited Liability;limited liability system
  1. 公司有限责任制度价值分析

    The Analysis on the Value of the Doctrine of Limited Liability

  2. 论公司有限责任制度

    On the Doctrine of Corporate Limited Liability finite . Company F

  3. 公司有限责任制度的缺陷及对策

    On the defects of corporation limited-liability system and countermeasures against them

  4. 第一部分主要对股东有限责任制度的概念进行了分析,指出股东有限责任制度有其自身的含义,并不是民法中所指的有限责任。

    Chapter one discusses the conception of the limited liability of shareholders .

  5. 有限责任制度下的债权人利益保护

    The Protection of Creditor 's Interests Under the System of Limited Responsibility

  6. 有限责任制度是现代企业制度的基础,我国工业经济体制改革、尤其是国有大中型企业的改革正是在此基础上进行的。

    The limited-responsibility is the basis of modem corporation system .

  7. 法人人格与有限责任制度研究

    Research on the Relationship between Juristic Personality and Limited Liability

  8. 第三节对股东有限责任制度的具体法律构建进行探讨,指出法律基于公平正义的价值考量,为了平衡股东与债权人之间的利益,规定了股东有限责任制度的适用条件。

    Section three studies the legal design of the limited liability of shareholders .

  9. 论我国法律中有限责任制度的完善

    The Improvement of Limited Liability System in Chinese Law

  10. 有限责任制度面临着巨大的挑战。

    The limited liability system is facing big challenges .

  11. 完善有限责任制度深化企业改革

    Improve the Limited System of Job Responsibility and Deepen the Reform of Enterprise

  12. 有限责任制度曾是法学上的伟大创造。

    The system of limited liability is the great creation in the law .

  13. 第二章,有限责任制度的内涵及其缺陷;

    Chapter two , the connotation and limitation of the limited liability system ;

  14. 很多现代公司的理念,皆源自有限责任制度。

    Philosophies of many modern corporations are derived from the limited liability system .

  15. 现代企业有限责任制度的缺陷及弥补对策&当前企业破产逃债现象的制度分析

    The Defects of Modern Limited-liability System and the Countermeasures

  16. 关联企业视野下的有限责任制度

    The System of Limited Liability Concerning Affiliated Enterprises

  17. 本文主要围绕股东有限责任制度的法理基础进行探讨。

    This article mainly studies the jurisprudence foundation of the limited liability of shareholder .

  18. 有限责任制度的经济学分析

    The Economic Analysis of The Limited Liability Thoery

  19. 法律对股东有限责任制度的确认是法律生成的过程。

    The validation of the limited liability of shareholders is the formation of law .

  20. 公司法人格否认制度弥补了公司法人制度的不足,克服了有限责任制度的缺陷,是对公司法律制度的完善。

    Piercing the corporate veil system compensate for the lack of a corporate system .

  21. 公司法人的独立人格和股东有限责任制度,促进了社会生产力的发展,推动了社会的文明与进步。

    Company 's limited liability system , has promoted the development of society 's productivity .

  22. 对有限责任制度的法律思考

    On Thought of Limited Liability System

  23. 本章论证了有限责任制度的内涵,对其定义进行科学界定,然后分析了制度的特征以及适用。

    This chapter introduces the definition of the limited liability system and analyzes the features as well as the application .

  24. 法人独立责任是我国民法上独有的概念,其实质为公司法上股东有限责任制度的一种投影和扩张。

    And the sole responsibilities or shared responsibilities must be dependent on the number of the parties in the legal relationship .

  25. 但是,有限责任制度尽管有许多优点而为法律所肯定,毕竟是一个尚有缺陷的制度,其主要表现在对公司债权人保护的相对薄弱。

    However , the limited companies have some shortcomings as well , for instance , the frail protection of the debt owners .

  26. 现代企业制度的内涵是:完善的企业法人制度、有限责任制度和科学的企业组织制度。

    The connotation of modern enterprise system is : perfected legal entity system , limited responsibility system , and scientific organization system .

  27. 随着1993年公司法的颁布施行,公司因有了有限责任制度而得到大量的投资,因而得到了蓬勃的发展。

    With the promulgation of the 1993 Companies Act , limited liability companies have extensive investment system , which has been vigorous development .

  28. 特殊的普通合伙有限责任制度的替代赔偿制度存在较大缺陷:其有限责任的适用范围也还需要进一步拓展和明确。

    Thirdly , the institution of the substitution compensation of the limited liability partnership is defective , which needs to be extended and defined .

  29. 在这些试点企业中,建立起了较为规范的有限责任制度、法人财产制度和法人治理结构。

    In these experimental enterprises , a somewhat more standard limited liability system , corporation property system and corporation administering structure have been established .

  30. 有限责任制度是民法中的一项重要制度,适用于继承法中的限定继承制度和法人制度。

    As an important system in civil law , limited liability applies to the specified succession system in law of succession and legal person system .