
  • Receptionist;front desk;Front Desk Agent
  1. 这些业务流程包括了前台接待,也包括了资金的收纳。

    These business process including the receptionist , also including the funds to receive .

  2. 我在上海的时候,在上一个公司任前台接待。

    I worked as a receptionist for my former company while I was living in Shanghai .

  3. 【英文原文】Wouldyoucaretohold?——要等一会吗?作为公司的前台接待员,第一天上班时,我一个接着一个地接听电话,就象那些身经百战的老接待员一样。

    There I was , my first day On the Job as a receptionist , handling one phone call after another like an old pro , when an employee stopped by my desk .

  4. JunkoChihira是东芝另一款名为AikoChihira的机器人的后续产品,后者从今年四月份开始在日本的一家百货公司里做前台接待人员。

    Junko Chihira is the successor to another Toshiba android named Aiko Chihira , who served as a receptionist in a department store in Japan in April .

  5. 但是,当普华永道雇佣Portico为其招募的大堂工作人员时,管理层或者是根本不在意,或者是不愿费心去看一看该机构对其前台接待员施加了什么规定。

    But when PwC hired Portico to staff its lobby , the management either did not care about , or did not bother to look at , the rules the agency imposes on its receptionists .

  6. 负责公司前台接待工作。

    In charge of guest receiving be at company reception desk .

  7. 对不起,前台接待说,我们要关门了。

    Sorry , said the receptionist , we 're closing .

  8. 前台接待员为来客预订房间。

    The receptionist books the room for the arriving guest .

  9. 鲍勃:我申请的是前台接待员的职位。

    Bob : I 'm applying for the receptionist position .

  10. 请记住将房间的钥匙交给前台接待员。

    Please remember to turn in your room key to the receptionist .

  11. 这个女孩是北京饭店的前台接待员。

    The girl is a receptionist of the Beijing Hotel .

  12. 你有没有做前台接待的工作经验?

    Watt : Have you worked as a receptionist ?

  13. 掌握必要的电话礼仪及前台接待礼仪。

    Acquire basic phone etiquette and reception etiquette .

  14. 我认为他很适合在前台接待客人。

    I think he 'll be good with the guests at the front desk .

  15. 在这次英语考试的职场扮演项目中,我扮演的是公司前台接待员的角色。

    I performed the role of the company receptionist in this English role-playing test at workplace .

  16. 当您结算离店时,请将钥匙卡交还前台接待。

    When you are checking out , please return the key card to the front desk .

  17. 我依然处于激动之中,心里想着我这个夏天在一家大银行做前台接待的工作。

    I was excited yet apprehensive about my summer job as a receptionist at a large bank .

  18. 我会与前台接待处联系,尽量马上给您换一个房间。

    I 'll contact the Reception Desk and try to arrange another room for you at once .

  19. 请稍候片刻,我会联系前台接待,尽量给您安排另外一间房。

    Please wait a moment and I 'll contact Reception to try to arrange another room for you .

  20. 科普女士——那位红发的前台接待员——奔到他前面,把门打开。那位祖母般慈祥的护士从一本小说里抬起头,大吃一惊。

    Ms. Cope , the redheaded front office receptionist , ran ahead of him to hold it open .

  21. 当你给潜在客户打电话时,你使用什么策略绕过他的秘书或前台接待员?

    When you telephone a prospect , what strategies do you use to get past the secretary or receptionist ?

  22. 他们告诉前台接待,如果任何人提供相关信息使他们找到西奥多,奖赏10000元。

    They tell the receptionist that they are offering a $ 10,000 reward to anyone providing information in finding him .

  23. 我有一个狡猾的客户,他会出去问前台接待员:应聘者在面试前开始前的态度如何。

    I had one sneaky client who used to go out and ask the receptionist how the candidates had acted pre-interview .

  24. 负责前台接待工作,并为学生提供和安排各项中心的服务。

    This position is responsible for the reception of visitors , and assisting students in their daily use of the center .

  25. 刚踏进酒店的大堂,就被它那金碧辉煌的气势所震慑住,随即又被前台接待员的热情服务所打动。

    Resplendent and awe-inspiring lobby is the first impression , attentive , hospitable Front Desk staff the second . What 's next ?

  26. 酒店里空荡荡的,等上好久后前台接待才珊珊到来,到酒吧间给顾客端上一杯饮料;

    The receptionist in the empty hotel arrives , after a long wait , to serve you a drink in the bar ;

  27. 如钥匙卡遗失,请立即与前台接待联系,我们将重新为您办理新的钥匙卡。

    If it is lost , please immediately contact the front desk , and we will make a new key card for you .

  28. 现在您需要配置一个表单按钮,前台接待员可以单击它来选择所需的房间类型。

    Now you need to configure a button for the form that the receptionist will click after choosing the required type of room .

  29. 在保安人员礼貌询问后,只见前台接待人员端坐在这家全球最大金融服务集团的红伞标识下。

    Past the polite inquiries of a security guard , a receptionist sits straight-backed under the red-umbrella logo of the world 's biggest financial services group .

  30. 我们抵达的时候,他们热情地招待我们,由于来的时间早于我们预定的时间,我们把行李存放在前台接待处。

    When we arrived we were greeted warmly and since we were early to check in , we were allowed to leave our luggage with the receptionist .