
qián fēng
  • striker;forward;vanguard;playmaker;spearhead;lineman;tackle
前锋 [qián fēng]
  • (1) [playmaker]∶发动向对方球门或球篮作得分进攻的球员(如在篮球或曲棍球比赛中)

  • (2) [tackle]∶足球运动中在中锋两侧及后卫与中线之间的两个球员之一

  • (3) [vanguard]∶前头部队,走在军队前面的部队

  • 部队的前锋已到达目的地

前锋[qián fēng]
  1. 部队前锋昨晚已经出发。

    The vanguard units started off last night .

  2. 部队前锋已到达目的地。

    The vanguard units have reached the destination .

  3. 这是杀手前锋本赛季的第11个进球。

    It was the deadly striker 's 11th goal of the season .

  4. 一股强冷空气前锋周三使堪萨斯的天气发生了剧变。

    A very active cold front brought dramatic weather changes to Kansas on Wednesday .

  5. 丝毫没有迹象表明他们会追平朴次茅斯队前锋在第55分钟时的精彩进球。

    They showed little sign of equalising the Portsmouth striker 's glorious 55th-minute shot .

  6. 这位前锋本赛季状态奇佳,进球已达到32个。

    The striker 's rich vein of form this season has seen him net 32 goals

  7. 那名28岁的前锋因造成对方一名球员下颌骨折,上周出庭受审。

    The 28-year-old striker was in court last week for breaking a rival player 's jaw .

  8. 从本赛季甫一开始,这位阿森纳队的前锋就不停地遭到媒体的骚扰。

    From the start of the season , the Arsenal striker has been hounded by the press .

  9. 冷空气的前锋已进入我省。

    The cold front has reached this province .

  10. 冷锋是一团移动着的冷气流的前锋面。

    A cold front is the forward edge of a mass of moving cold air .

  11. 他曾是一名前锋。

    He was a forward .

  12. 尽管球队的前锋是这位教练自己的血肉,但教练还是根据个人能力挑选了她的队员。

    Even though the striker was her own flesh and blood , the coach picked her players on merit2 .

  13. 上半场最后一分钟,中国队守门员彭诗梦扑出了韩国队利用角球机会发出的一个近距离头球,但是球反弹进网。这个进球最初判给了韩国队前锋崔友利,不过亚洲足联后来又判定这个进球是中国队后卫李梦雯的乌龙球。

    In the last minute of the first half , Chinese goalkeeper Peng Shimeng saved a close-range header from a corner , but couldn 't keep the ball out of the net from a rebound Li Mengwen 's own goal .

  14. 比如,我就很喜欢AC米兰队的巴西前锋卡卡。

    I like Kaka , AC Milan 's Brazilian football star !

  15. 那时的前锋是JackCock,在那个时代他是切尔西富有魅力的男孩。

    Centre-forward that day was Jack Cock , the Chelsea glamour boy of that era .

  16. AC米兰声称前锋亨特拉尔在一月不可能会离开俱乐部,尽管来自英超俱乐部对他非常感兴趣。

    AC Milan insist striker Klaas-Jan Huntelaar will not be leaving the club in January , despite strong interest from the Premier League .

  17. 昨晚,切尔西前锋安德烈。舍甫琴科未能如约前往雅典,参加AC米兰主席贝卢斯科尼邀请他观看的冠军杯决赛。

    Chelsea striker Andriy Shevchenko failed to meet his invitation by AC Milan president Silvio Berlusconi to attend last night 's Champions League final in Athens .

  18. 通过模拟可以得到流动前锋位置、充模时间等重要的参数,为RTM工艺设计与优化提供了有效的技术手段。

    The resin flow front profile , filling time can be predicted with this simulation tool .

  19. 前锋HongYongJo战技高超,当不在国家队比赛时,完全可以在俄罗斯参赛,被大家认为是需要关注的球员。

    Forward Hong Yong Jo , good enough to play in Russia when not playing for his home team , is considered the man to watch .

  20. 采用文献资料与数理统计相结合的研究方法,对NBA优秀大前锋的技术结构进行评价,阐述了在现代篮球比赛中大前锋的作用。

    Through literature study and statistics , the paper evaluates the technical structures of the NBA excellent power forwards and expatiates on the functions of the power forwards in the modern basketball matches .

  21. 内锋,这是你在禁区内的第三人,这名球员需要有内切的能力,并且在禁区内充当第三前锋的角色,ST或者AMC球员在必要的时候也可以打这个位置。

    AML-Inside Forward : This is your third man in the box , they will look to cut inside and get into the box as a third striker , a striker or an AMC can also play here if needs must .

  22. 利物浦的新老板NESV表示会给霍奇森至少2500万英镑让他在1月的转会市场上买些强有力的前锋,强化球队的阵容。

    New Liverpool owners NESV are expected to back their manager in the transfer market with upwards of £ 25 million as he looks to add more potent striking options to his squad in January .

  23. 因为的分析重点主要放在火焰前锋火焰的熄灭机理(火焰前锋完全暴露在细水雾中),所以考虑了有限率(finite-rate)化学反应。

    Due to the analysis is focused on the mechanism of flame suppression at the flame leading edge , which is explicitly exposed to the mist , finite-rate chemical reaction is taken into account .

  24. 对于充填过程,熔体前锋面速度MFV(Melt-Front-Velocity)的不一致将导致制品产生不均匀收缩、非一致取向和翘曲变形,如何控制MFV是目前精密注射成型研究的主要课题。

    The unsteadiness of the MFV ( Melt-Front-Velocity ) leads to the non-uniform shrinkage , inconsistent tropism and warpage in appearance of the parts . How to control MFV is the main problem in this researching field .

  25. 前锋纳木错构造带总体呈WNW向展布,由20多条向北倾斜的逆掩断层、宽阔的韧性剪切带、4条蛇绿岩片带与大量不同类型的构造岩片所组成。

    The Nam Co tectonic belt of WNW-trending occurring in west of the Namco Lake is composed of 20 thrust faults of north dipping , wide ductile shear zone , 4 belts of ophiolite pieces and many thrusted rock pieces .

  26. 在此基础上,圈定出氧化砂体,其底板埋深小于300m、厚度达50-100m、氧化带前锋长达60km。

    Based on the studies above , the oxidated sand body was confined , which has the depth of bottom footwall of less than 300m and the thickness of 50-100m . The length of the oxidation zone front is up to 60 km .

  27. 通过对2002-2003赛季WCBA和WNBA女子篮球运动员的身高、体重、年龄比较分析,发现WCBA运动员中锋和前锋身高低于WNBA运动员,体重和年龄小于WNBA运动员。

    Through comparative analysis on height , weight and age from WCBA and WNBA players in 2002-2003 , the author finds out that the height of forward and central forward from WCBA is lower than that of WNBA . The age and weight from CBA players is lower than WNBA .

  28. 拜仁慕尼黑前锋皮萨罗希望转会意大利。

    Bayern Munich striker Claudio Pizarro wants a move to Italy .

  29. 前陆推覆体细分为根带、中带、前锋带。

    , front belt , middle belt , and root belt .

  30. 同样被讨论的还包括河床的前锋冈萨罗。

    Also up for discussion is River Plate striker Gonzalo Higuain .