
  • 网络Hope Group
  1. 新希望集团贸易事业部绩效管理研究

    A Study on the Trade Performance Management of Cause Department of New Hope Group

  2. 中国最大私营企业吟诵产权转换真经希望集团:从传统走向现代

    Hope Group : From Tradition to Modern

  3. 新希望集团乳业并购战略分析

    The Analysis of the M & A Strategy of New-hope Group

  4. 希望集团有限公司人力资源管理研究

    Research on Human Resources Management of Hope Group

  5. 新希望集团近年开始大肆多元化,2001年底偶然进入乳业。

    Because of succeeding in fodder business , New-hope group has begun to diversify rapidly in recent years .

  6. 诚信给我们带来很大的好处,我们希望集团的发家史就是一部诚信史。

    Integrity to our great benefit , we hope the Group is a family history of issuing credit history .

  7. 四川是全世界生猪饲养量最大的地区。希望集团在四川迅速扩张后,又开始在全国建立饲料加工厂。

    After rapidly expanding in Sichuan , home to the world 's biggest pig population , they built feed mills all over the country .

  8. 2002&2003年,新希望集团在乳业进行了一系列的强势并购,但没有达到预期目的。

    From 2002 to 2003 , a series of M & A and rapid expansion in dairying business haven 't led New-hope group to their objective .

  9. 以及国内几家典型的饲料加工企业新希望集团、东方希望集团、通威饲料集团的成长经历和它们实施的相应的战略。

    What more , it analyses growing up experiences of several typical domestic food-processing factories including : New-hope Group , East Hope Group and Tongwei Group .

  10. 新希望集团董事长刘永好表示,新希望将通过发展生产来帮助灾区企业和人民重新站起来。

    Liu Yong of president of new hope group is good express , new hope will help disaster area enterprise and people regain one 's feet come through expanding production .

  11. 分析新希望集团进入乳业时的内外部因素,可知它有一定资源和能力进入乳业。

    After analyzing the New-hope group 's internal and external forces at that time , we know that they had some resources and capabilities to enter into the dairying business .

  12. 陈育新经营华西希望集团。从事饲料加工业,在成都拥有一个五星级宾馆和零售网络。

    Chen Yuxin ( his adopted family 's name ) runs West Hope , with the original feed operation in Sichuan and a five-star hotel and retail properties in Chengdu .

  13. 与此同时,一些民营企业集团也在争持金融牌照,比如新希望集团、联想集团、海尔集团、雅戈尔等。

    At the same time , some Private enterprises are also striving for the financial license , such as New Hope Group , Lenovo , Haier Group , Younger , and so on .

  14. 本文首先分析了新希望集团进入乳业时中国乳业的行业发展特点、新希望集团现状分析及多元化发展战略。

    Firstly , this paper analyzes the attributes of China 's dairy industry at the moment of New Hope Group 's entrance , present status of New Hope Group as well as diversification development strategy .

  15. 小农思想对新希望集团的经营决策、项目实施、人力资源管理、企业文化产生着深刻影响。

    As one of the classical culture , the peasant ideology have affected New-hope group 's managerial decision and execution , human resource management and enterprise culture , which is the origin of their failure .

  16. 刘永好经营新希望集团,投资饲料产业和银行业。今年十月他以22亿美元的净资产排在中国富豪榜的第四位。

    Yonghao , who runs New Hope was listed in October at No.4 on the list of China 's richest , with a net worth of $ 2.2 billion and holdings in real estate , feed and banking .

  17. 全国政协委员、农业巨头新希望集团董事长刘永好表示,国家应加快支持企业升级以应对制约其发展的瓶颈。

    The country should move faster to support the upgrade of companies so that they can tackle the bottlenecks constraining their growth , said Liu Yonghao , chairman of China 's agricultural conglomerate New Hope Group and a national political adviser .

  18. 在对这些问题存在原因分析的基础上,本文提出了山东希望集团人力资源管理的优化方案,具体内容包括招聘、考核、薪酬、培训、晋升、制度等方面。

    On the basis of analyzing the causes of the problems , this paper proposes an optimization plan on the human resources management for Hope Group including recruitment , evaluation , remuneration , training , promotion , systems and so on .

  19. 本文通过对绩效管理内涵的分析,从人力资源绩效管理的实践出发,对新希望集团贸易事业部绩效管理进行了深入研究。

    Based on the analysis of the essence of performance management , and beginning from the practice of performance management , this dissertation carries out a thorough discussion surrounding the performance management in the trade cause department of new hope group .

  20. 大陆希望集团作为多元化的产业集团,各业务板块所处的发展期不同,管理水平不同,竞争环境不同,必然对集团企业差异化管理和精细化管理带来更高的要求。

    As a diversified industrial group , its different business tectonic plate locates different development period , its management level is different , its competition environment is different , which Inevitably brings a higher request to the group variation management and the fine refinement management .

  21. 投资者也许希望光大集团进行类似的重组。

    Investors may be hoping for similar from Everbright group .

  22. 我希望世行集团展示我们可以采取哪些行动。

    I want the World Bank Group to show what can be done .

  23. 新西兰政府还希望这个集团能提升新西兰国际品牌的地位。

    And the government also hopes the Collective will boost New Zealand 's international brand status .

  24. 他说,他希望你们集团有朝一日能成为本行业和全世界的一家重要企业。

    He says he hopes your group will be an important one in your industry and in the world one of these days .

  25. 他说,他希望中粮集团成为一家国际性企业,并提到他计划在巨大的谷物净出口生产地北美洲拓展业务。

    He said he wanted Cofco to be an international company , adding that he planned to expand in North America , a big surplus grain producer .

  26. 调研组希望天康集团把握新能源发展机遇、高效推进重点项目建设,为地方经济的发展做出新的贡献。

    Hong Group research group hope it new energy development opportunities to grasp , to promote efficient construction of key projects for local economic development and make new contributions .

  27. 我们希望看到七国集团领导人做出强有力的承诺,倡导团体全球见证组织(GlobalWitness)的资深宣传人员索菲娅·皮克尔斯(SophiaPickles)说。

    We would love to see the G-7 leaders make a strong commitment to this , said Sophia Pickles , a senior campaigner at Global Witness , an advocacy group .

  28. 蒙牛希望借助中粮集团的全国经销网络,利用这笔投资与达能(Danone)等外资公司在酸奶等利润率较高的产品上较量一番。

    China Mengniu hopes to utilise Cofco 's nationwide distribution network and to use the investment to take on foreign groups such as Danone in higher margin produce such as yoghurt .

  29. 德国政府对此决定表示热烈欢迎。德国官员表示,希望20国集团(G20)领先经济体本周达成一致,向IMF贡献至少4000亿美元的新资金。

    The decision was warmly greeted in Berlin , where officials say the German government is hoping for members of the G20 group of leading industrial countries to agree to top up IMF resources with at least $ 400bn in new money this week .

  30. 我希望20国集团就负责任的全球化展开讨论。

    I would like the G20 to talk about responsible globalisation .